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Texting tow truck twit splashes down in pool


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Typically, a tow truck is called in to cart off the vehicular casualties of an accident. Alas, such was not the case recently when a Lockport, N.Y. area tow truck driver needed to get his rig towed – out of a private swimming pool. Worse, it was the tow truck’s mindless behaviour that caused the accident.

Authorities identified the driver of the tow truck as Nicolas Sparks, an employee of Adams Towing. According to reports, the tow truck was traveling down Tonawanda Creek Road when it struck a car at an intersection in Lockport near a residential area. Sparks rear-ended the back of a car, causing the vehicle to swerve out of control. The car slid into a nearby trench prior to crashing through a resident’s backyard fence.

Meanwhile, the car and motorcycle that Sparks was towing on the back of his truck flew off, obliterating a residential air conditioning unit and the gas lines of a house.

But Sparks wasn’t quite done yet. After damaging the structural integrity of a house and smashing through a backyard fence, the tow truck finally came to a soggy stop after it plunged into a backyard swimming pool. Luckily, nobody was taking a dip at the time.

Hey, accidents happen. But in addition to dangerously tailgating the vehicle in front of him, police confirm that just prior to the mishap Sparks had been talking on his cell phone and text-messaging simultaneously. (The phone has been confiscated by police to investigate the call history.)


It would all make for a comedy of errors except for the fact that the woman driving the car had to be transported to Erie County Medical Center via trauma helicopter for serious injuries. Her passenger, an eight-year-old girl, was taken to Women and Children’s Hospital for her injuries. The car was a write-off.

As for Mr. Sparks – the newest poster boy for distracted driving insanity – he’s been charged with reckless endangerment and tailgating.

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I think they should bump up the charges. Just think what would have happened if he hit someone on a bike. Folks are so stupid now they don't seem to care as long as they can do what they like. I think these folks should lose their license. They shouldn't be allowed back out there with the rest of us.



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the govenor of illinois is signing a bill in the next day or two to ban all texting while driving. i think all the states should do the same we will see what happens and how many governors jump on board.


I think the ban should apply to all activities NOT ASSOCIATED with vehicle operation...at the very least, using a cell phone in any way while driving (not limited to texting). This ban should be in place everywhere.

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the govenor of illinois is signing a bill in the next day or two to ban all texting while driving. i think all the states should do the same we will see what happens and how many governors jump on board.


While this may sound good and look great on paper in reality it is nothing without STRICT ENFORCEMENT and HEAVY PENALTIES applied to violators.


We have the Cell Phone Law here and if I had a single dollar for everyone I see still yakking on their cell phone while driving I could collect enough to retire in just 6 lousy months and live comfortably.


Boomer........who still thinks driving is a granted COURTESY and not a RIGHT!

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the govenor of illinois is signing a bill in the next day or two to ban all texting while driving. i think all the states should do the same we will see what happens and how many governors jump on board.


the only thing the govenor's of illinois know how to do is steal and make license plates.

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I think they should bump up the charges. Just think what would have happened if he hit someone on a bike. Folks are so stupid now they don't seem to care as long as they can do what they like. I think these folks should lose their license. They shouldn't be allowed back out there with the rest of us.




:sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::goodpost::sign yeah that::clap2::clap2::clap2:




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