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If I'm not mistaken Wolfie was putting that together and had a crash with her computer or something. Whatever happened the cookbook seems to have died.




I think her handle was Chicken Little at the time & I am guessing she was getting too many chicken recipies.........



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Yes, it twas I that had the cookbook adVENTURE. I had posted that I had lost everything in a computer crash. Not only did I lose my computer that week, we lost three computers. I was stupid and did not have ANYTHING backed up...not the cookbook stuff, email or even my pics. So I lost a lot and I was...yes Rocket...Chickenlittle, but not about chicken recipes (but maybe that's why I don't like chicken now):confused07:, but I hated to ask for them again. If you guys want to try again let me know. I now have a flash drive...or I did till my son took it...I'll get another...anyway, if yall still want it, I am game just let me know. Now I know to always..BACK UP. I do have a new email addy.

I sincerly apoligize again for the mishap with the last one.

We are leaving the HUB in the morning and I can start back on work on it as early as Monday. Just let me know if yall still want one or not, this time I won't let ya down.


Sorry Again.



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Ya a while back I accidentally formatted the wrong HDD on this computer and lost a bunch of goodies. Good thing I had a lot of it backed up onto some disks. But not all of it.


I still have a bunch of recipes that I'll share if ya want to try it again. I think you can get a lot better and more realistic recipes when people share them. I've spent plenty dough on cookbooks, and when I went through them, I only found a few of them that I really liked and would make. I just use most recipes as guides anyway.


Thanks, Bill

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