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I WON!!!


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Well....you had the courage to do what many of us have wanted to at times. I can't say that I think it was a great idea considering the trouble you could have gotten into but I can certainly understand WHY you did it. Glad things turned out as they did.


Well, speaking frankly my friend, all I can say is you are one lucky man, but dumb one to do such a thing...


Ok, Now dont let that word (dumb) hurt your feelings any for its a figure of speech..


My brother did the same thing one night.

He went to a guys house, walked in the front door, and let the guy know he was there to whip his butt..


however, the guy jumped off the couch with a 12 gauge and shot him twice, killed him and then buired him in the desert. My brother was missing 8 months before the guy admitted to what he did.


count your blessings my friend........


I would not suggest anyone doing it .......:thumbsup2:


Well Dray, like Eck says, not the wisest thing. On the other hand, there's no doubt he needed it, and I'll bet it felt pretty good. From your side. :)


I'm sure not mad at you, my friend.


i was a bit worried about posting what happend as it may have made a lot of folks angry and im glad it didnt

i dont want anyone to think I thought it was the right thing to do i know it was wrong but in the same sence i will not lie about it and say it didnt make me feel good

now i know what could have happend


no matter if it makes him think about it and he dont do it again to some one else it was all worth it


now that its behind me id like to make sure i don't do it again



and also Paul thanks for the phone call:thumbsup2: ya made my day bud



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Every now and then it really feels good to open a can of whup-ass on some deserving jerk.....Ya done good and lucky for you the jerk wasn't packing heat too.


Boomer.....who's left a boot print and dent in many a drivers door.....and thanks the inventor of steel-toed boots too.:D

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Seems kinda odd that some feel like the SOB should have been left alone. I'm thinking that way too many people think that they are not responsible for their actions. I chased a SOB that came Thur my neighborhood at over 50 mph, with kids playing in the street. He never tried to slow down, but swerved around them. I followed him to his house when he pulled a gun from the tool chest in the back of his truck. I asked him if he was going to shoot me for telling him the error of his ways, then his kids came out of the house. He promised me that he would never do it again. I also promised him that he would never get away with it again. I think its great you made him responsible again, you might have just saved someone else's life!

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Try that in Texas and there's a better then average chance you'll end up with a little extra ventilation before it's over with.


I'm glad you ended up OK, but I'm assuming that no one here as EVER accidentally cut someone off.

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Try that in Texas and there's a better then average chance you'll end up with a little extra ventilation before it's over with.


I'm glad you ended up OK, but I'm assuming that no one here as EVER accidentally cut someone off.



I was wondering the same thing. I know we feel like kicking ass out on the road but rarely does anything good come out of it.

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Glad you done it. He deserved what he got.

Only problem I see is that he probably is telling his friends a different story. Thats the way these guys think.

Had to back up a game warden one time against 6 guys, he could have given them all tickets for trespassing and shooting a doe without a licence. One guy was carrying a pistol under his coat to hunt with and got lippy even after several warnings. cussing a threatening. He got a ticket for concealed carry. 2 days later I heard the same guys in a restaurant telling how much of an a**hole the warden was and telling a completely different story. I called them on it and told the people the true story. Lucky for me, I had a few friends eating there that day.

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Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. Had an altercation with a couple punks. They informed me they could do anything they wanted and if I touched them I would be in trouble as they were only 16. I informed them quite forcefully that I was going to beat the crap out of them and when they got out of the hospital I was going to do it again and I didn't give a crap what the cops did. They were going to be in a world of pain. Problem solved. Had a passenger on the ferry come up to me and draw back his fist. I drew back mine. He said "you can't do that, you are an employee". I said " try me, you get the first swing, the rest are mine". He changed his mind.

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It's to bad the average Joe can't deal out this kind of justice on his own without getting himself into hot water these days. Way to many times I've seen the law biding citizen not be able to do anything about someone doing him wrong and the coppers refusing to do what's right.

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