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I WON!!!


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well at least i feel like the winner!


what happend is a few weeks ago i knocked the crap out of a guy that passed me on the right side and pushed me out into oncoming traffic.


i followed him to his house and him telling me he didnt care about what he did will id just had enough and whipped his A$$ good

then i went to the police and told them what i did well they turned it over to the prosicuter and i got word today they are not going to do anything to me for it


but they did give me the BIG DO NOT LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN speach


Dang i feel great almost as good as the first moment i hit him



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well at least i feel like the winner!


what happend is a few weeks ago i knocked the crap out of a guy that passed me on the right side and pushed me out into oncoming traffic.


i followed him to his house and him telling me he didnt care about what he did will id just had enough and whipped his A$$ good

then i went to the police and told them what i did well they turned it over to the prosicuter and i got word today they are not going to do anything to me for it


but they did give me the BIG DO NOT LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN speach


Dang i feel great almost as good as the first moment i hit him



:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::thumbsup2::sign outstanding::sun1::sun1:THESE Maggots need to b taught a lesson[via a goooood arse whippin] ya done goood !!!!!!
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Good on ya!!! There are many days I feel like doing exactly the same with one exception..... I'd not be tellin nobody (like the cops) and there wouldn't be no witnesses. Having said that, who's to know if I have or haven't ('cept me) LOL

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I wonder if "he" cares now?


Hopefully you won't have to deal with a lawsuit. Just remember that this can come back to haunt you if you're involved in another physical altercation within the next few years.:Avatars_Gee_George:

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FEELS GREAT DON"T IT!!!:rotfl::thumbsup::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::whistling:


Dan that is just what i told my wife when it happend

I never felt better about something





I wonder if "he" cares now?


Hopefully you won't have to deal with a lawsuit. Just remember that this can come back to haunt you if you're involved in another physical altercation within the next few years.:Avatars_Gee_George:


if it happens again there will not be any whitnesses and i wont tell


Glad to hear things worked out for you . Guess if you have this happen again maybe you should let the cops in on it.:whistling:




Minni if it happens again we will just keep it between the two of us OK :innocent-emoticon:

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Well....you had the courage to do what many of us have wanted to at times. I can't say that I think it was a great idea considering the trouble you could have gotten into but I can certainly understand WHY you did it. Glad things turned out as they did.

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Ya big sissy...come on down here and try that with me.......


I double dog dare ya.......


Fluffy, are you living in the dog house, as it looks like the dogs have taken over the house....... :stickpoke:


Your dogs might get up long enough to see what is happening, but from that pic I doubt it..... :rotf::rotf:

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Ya big sissy...come on down here and try that with me.......


I double dog dare ya.......



ya and i bet ya id get a good lickin too!


put so much slim on me id slide right off my seat eh?


:snow2:why dont you come on up and see how good you are at catchin me on the ice:snow2:

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ya and i bet ya id get a good lickin too!


put so much slim on me id slide right off my seat eh?


:snow2:why dont you come on up and see how good you are at catchin me on the ice:snow2:


Two 2nd Gens racing.. Anybody got a slow motion camera???:rotfl::stirthepot:

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Well, speaking frankly my friend, all I can say is you are one lucky man, but dumb one to do such a thing...

Ok, Now dont let that word (dumb) hurt your feelings any for its a figure of speech..

My brother did the same thing one night.

He went to a guys house, walked in the front door, and let the guy know he was there to whip his butt..

however, the guy jumped off the couch with a 12 gauge and shot him twice, killed him and then buired him in the desert. My brother was missing 8 months before the guy admitted to what he did.

count your blessings my friend........

I would not suggest anyone doing it .......:thumbsup2:

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