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Going through the Big D


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I know that i have not been around here a lot lately, been lurking here or there, but really have not had time for much in the last several months. My wife and I are getting divorced and things have been crazy and will continue to be for some time. This was not my idea, but like it or not I have to move on and take care of the kids and myself. This is kind of a complicated story, but I cannot talk about it too much at this point because I have to do somethings to protect my kids.


Unfortunately, one of the things that I must do is sell my Venture. I will be putting it and some accessories up for sale very shortly. I really hate to do this, but do not have a choice with the situation that I am in and trying to sort out all of the finances. It will not be too long though before I get another one, but may need to go to the darkside and get a 1st gen for a while.


I would appreciate your thoughts and prayers, I NEVER thought that I would have to deal with all this and it is truly still dumbfounding for me.

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sorry to hear this and a lot of us know your pain........


like you said "the Kids"....they have to come first and its good to hear you say that.

They suffer in silence a lot of times thru these ordeals....try to get them to talk and open up about there feelings so they know they are important

probably the hardest thing is to keep from saying anything negative about the other parent to them and it only backfires in the end.....


prayers sent up for your entire family to have the strength to deal with this.

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I'm so sorry to hear this Nate. I'm not too far away if you need anything. Just remember we're all here for you. You know you can still make meets up there in VA for now when they have them. You also know the kids are more then welcome there. I know this was a bit of a shock for me to read I can only imagine what you've been going through.

Let us know if there's anything we can do for you and the kids.



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The big D is only good for $%$*&(** Lawyers. Everyone else looses. SORRY to hear about yours. Remember those kids need you now. There will be some rough times but you can do it.



Rough way to upgrade to a 1st Gen!!! I'm sorry I just couldn't resist it!


Hope you can laugh at that one.

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I'm really sorry to here this. I've been around you enough to know that your kids are your number one priority and I have much respect for you for that. I know you are going through a tough time but please know that with or without the bike, you are one of us and we will be here for you if you let us. Take care my friend.



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Nate ,I'm really sorry to hear this,I've been there and done that.Take care of the kids,they're #1.Everything will fall into place after a while and it will get better.Give a shout if you need anything we're not too far away.


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Well, I don't know you, but I do know divorce. It can rip your heart out. I just want you to know that when you get through it, you may discover that it was the best thing for everybody.


It took me a long time, and I still get sad when I think about it, but it was for the best and I hope it's the same for you.

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Well, I don't know you, but I do know divorce. It can rip your heart out. I just want you to know that when you get through it, you may discover that it was the best thing for everybody.


It took me a long time, and I still get sad when I think about it, but it was for the best and I hope it's the same for you.


What he said


After 30 years, it was an extremely difficult decision to split. It was the most difficult time of my life and hurt many that were close to us. Looking back (that was 8 years ago), it was the best thing that could have happened as now, both me and my ex are happier apart yet we remain good friends and in contact. During the separation and divorce, nothing looked good except the hope for a better life.


All the best to you during this difficult time.

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Been there, done that myself. It's not easy and it won't be over quickly because there will be lousy days and there will be better days.


I won't tell you that the kids are #1 because I can tell that you already know the priorities. I will tell you to not forget to take care of yourself mentally and don't beat yourself up by playing the "what ifs" over and over in your head. There is always enough guilt to go around, so don't try to carry all of it yourself.


Sometimes it helps to talk with a friend and sometimes it helps to talk with total stranger. Since I fall into that last category, if you need to talk, my cell is 205-412-3300 and it's on 24 / 7.


I see that you belive in prayer, so remember, the Lord will give you the peace that only He has.



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Thank you to all of you, i really appreciate all of you. This has been going on for a year now, but really more so in the last 6 months. While i knew this was coming and had to deal with all of that, I have had some things complicate the situation in the last month or so.


Those of you that know me know how much my kids mean to me and how i am with them. I am having to make some sacrifices and compromises that i didn't want too to protect them beyond what I already would have for their benefit. I don't want to, or mean to, bad mouth my ex but she has lost her mind and she has started to really worry me lately.

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Sorry to hear of your situation, many have mentioned, and I will concur, in the end it's for the best. I have gone through it too and it's another life lesson. Be there for the younguns and we'll be here for you, best of luck with getting it over and moving on.

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I know you feel like the world is resting on your shoulders about now, but in an effort to make you laugh .........I got to say I sure as heck couldnt sleep along your side and listen to that snoring of yours either...

Heck, one night of your snoring at Sleeperhawks place was enough for me......and I even moved down stairs and could still hear you..

But, all in all I sure enjoyed meeting you and really enjoyed the laughs we had that night.

As for your future:

At times it may seem like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, but trust me Nate, there is..:thumbsup2:

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hay nate sorry to read about this. i have been there its not easy but you will get over it. be honest and open with the kids, as you know they need your love. remember you don't have to have 2-wheels to get to the m & e's. don't be a stranger, you have family here also.

best reguards

don c.

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Guest JGorom

Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I realize life is not too sweet right now...but hang in there...there is life after divorce for both you and your children.

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