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The 2010 harleys are supposed to be on the web site saturday at noon. The annual dealer show is saturday. Will be interesting to see what they have for 2010. Will also be interesting to see what yamaha has for 2010 in september.


My buddy bought a 2009 Road King. He misses his VTX1800 dearly. He said his HD spent more time in the shop in one year than his VTX in five. Plus it lacks power.


Me, I'm on my fifth Yammy. Need I say more?


Hey, Harley is supposed to have a liquid cooled bike. It originally was to come out in 2010, now probably not till 2011 or 2012. But the pictures I have seen of it reminds me of some british bikes in the 60's. As far as Yamaha, don't expect to much other than maybe a few deleted models or color changes. Would be nice to see a newly revamped RSV, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Have Fun, Later-

Unless they have radiators, I'm not interested.






Now that was Kind of mean .... :rotf::rotf::rotf:




btw, the V-Rod has a Radiator

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