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Keep 'm in your thoughts


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Vic and Barb,

Best wishes to you folks and you Vic for having to take the plunge. Your a good man and it doesn't surprise me that you didn't lead on to anyone. Keeping you in our thoughts and looking forward to hearing from you on how it went....take care of yourself my friend.

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Vic needs some help ... I told him Jack that you would watch one of his dog while he recovers ... take a clothes pin and go get the dog will ya?


:sign20:There ya go.... Volunteering me again. Gotta take note...stop raising hand to stretch... :) I have two dogs I'm watching already, and they don't move a fast as they used to. Who's this StevieD, and what did you do with my bud HDHTR??? :stirthepot: :rotf::rotf:

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Wow - I am stunned - appreciative - and laughing. THANK YOU - everyone - for your thoughts and prayers. I will taake all with me to the "room" in couple of hours. I have had enough of this pain, so the doc is going in through the throat to remove a disk or two, and fuse things back. I did make sure that the plate used to fuse that area is chrome, and that the screws are metric - :rotf:.


Condor - cover your plate at Ludy's - I'll be hungry when this is over - ya know - :buttkick:- also my younger :178: became friends with a skunk yesterday - thanks for the reminder of the clothe pins - SteveD. He's waiting for ya - Jack - and wants to give you a big kiss.

And BUDDY - the pre-op nurse yeserday called to go over stuff, and mentioned that maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to get on the bike within couple of days - she said it would be uncomfortable for me - but scare all the other drivers off the road - COOL - I said - an open road - let's :Venture:. She :bang head: her head on the desk - saying I don't think I should have said that - :rotf:


Anyhoot, thank you all again - and I will check back soon. :smile11:

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Short update. Received a message from Vic on the cell phone and he's talkin'. He sounded pretty loopy, but at least he's talkin'.... I gotta assume that he was on the way back home to rest, and I'll hear from him in the AM..... Heck he might even post something here.... :)

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LOOPY?????:confused24::rotf:Careful, Mr. Condor - I may have to come up there and clip your wings.

Thank you, again, everyone - for your prayers and encouragement. I printed out some of the initial thoughts - and along with the picture of me and my bike - headed off to the operation room. The operation appears to have been a huge success - except for the "chip" in my hip that they cut out to fuse stuff together in the neck with. That "chip" hurts.

Other than that, I guess I wear this neck brace for 6 - 8 weeks - and then get back on the "road again". What a feeling - to be pain free (at least at this moment) - in my neck/shoulder/arm and hands - for the first time in 3.5 months!

And CONDOR - you exactly haven't had a "piece of cake year" either, my friend - so here is to good vibes and thoughts coming your way - as time gets closer for the big CODY Rally.:thumbsup::dancefool::wow:

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