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I finally got to visit


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My friend in the Hospital.This is the one who went down in april and was in a coma,

[ame=http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=34735]another biker down - VentureRider.Org[/ame]




He is now up and walking around without any assistance or aids. He is still in the brain trauma ward were every thing is dull and depressing, with locked doors and fenced in yards. He seem to think he is in prison and can,t understand what it is he did that got him there. His mother warned me that he may or may not know me but when I walked in and the orderly asked if he knew me, He said yes right away and told him my were I worked and what I did for a living. I spent 2 hours with him and other than him thinking he was in prison and does not remember the accident at all he for all intents seeemed to be 90% of his normal self. His spirits were high and we joked and laughed all the while. The only thing that never came up was motorcycle talk, and this guy lived and breathed motorcycles his whole life. The best part is that his progress continues to exceed the doctors expectations.

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glad to hear he is out of coma and alive and remembers you and his family.


Maybe if he saw a picture of you and him on a bike ride, one where he can see his bike and yours, but not his crashed bike.

A photo of you two on a bike ride or trip might bring back just some basic riding memories for him.. you could show him several photos of you and him on rides and of his bike, then include one or two of his wrecked bike and see if leads into the conversation or brings back any of his memory.

Ask the Dr. first to see if it would be ok to show him the photos... for I am no Dr.:thumbsup2:

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