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I know this question has probably come up thousands of times, but I'm on the verge of trading my 05 RSTD in for a Midnight Venture I found. Is there anyone who has went from a RSTD to a Venture and found pros & cons that can help me make a better decision? I love my RSTD but recently rode a friends HD Ultra Glide and my wife loved the added comfort and I really liked being able to listen to a radio. I also like the idea of the back trunk for helmets and stuff. I took my wife to a Yamaha dealer and she really felt good on the back of the Venture.


I have never owned a tour deluxe but I owned a royalstar and I think they are very similar regarding comfort. I put a mustang seat on the rs and it was very comfortable for me but the foot position and backrest comfort for the rider is not near as comfortable as the venture. The riders comfort,trunk, stereo,upper farring,and intercom system are the only major differences between the tour deluxe and the venture. Also an added 40lbs to the venture. It sounds like these added perks are what you are looking for.:7_2_104[1]:

I know this question has probably come up thousands of times, but I'm on the verge of trading my 05 RSTD in for a Midnight Venture I found. Is there anyone who has went from a RSTD to a Venture and found pros & cons that can help me make a better decision? I love my RSTD but recently rode a friends HD Ultra Glide and my wife loved the added comfort and I really liked being able to listen to a radio. I also like the idea of the back trunk for helmets and stuff. I took my wife to a Yamaha dealer and she really felt good on the back of the Venture.
buy the venture it is much nicer than any harley i love my venture so does mother ........lorrie
I know this question has probably come up thousands of times, but I'm on the verge of trading my 05 RSTD in for a Midnight Venture I found. Is there anyone who has went from a RSTD to a Venture and found pros & cons that can help me make a better decision? I love my RSTD but recently rode a friends HD Ultra Glide and my wife loved the added comfort and I really liked being able to listen to a radio. I also like the idea of the back trunk for helmets and stuff. I took my wife to a Yamaha dealer and she really felt good on the back of the Venture.

I went from an 05 RSTD to an 03 Venture. Love the added storage, wife loves the comfort. I don't know how I ever go along without the radio. Wish I had just went with the Venture sooner.




Well - I'll stir it up a bit.

I went from a Venture to a Tour Deluxe. Personally, I found the ride quite similar and I also found the RSTD much easier to handle at slow speeds and not nearly as top heavy. Now, if you want the trunk, fairing, radio AND the thrill of a new bike - ok. But as far as ride is concerned, IMHO there ain't much difference.




Lone Eagle's bike was originally an RSTD. He added the Harley trunk and recently a sound/cb/intercom system...besides extensive customizing.... and it's good to go. I actually like the Harley trunk a lot better than the OEM RSV trunk. Tons more room and better built.

'snip' I love my RSTD but recently rode a friends HD Ultra Glide and my wife loved the added comfort and I really liked being able to listen to a radio. 'snip'quote]


My wife hated the Ultra after riding the RSV... The floorboards are lower, not as much room, and her calves were right up against the crash bars so much so that she had bruises.


If I were you I would consider putting a Hoppe Quadzilla Fairing with a radio with 4 speakers and a travel trunk on your RSTD.


I went from an 03 RSV to an 05 RSTD. The wife very rarely rides with me. She did like the RSV much more. I like the RSTD much more cause she is never there and it's more flexible and weight is distributed more. Buy the RSV for 2-up.

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