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09 rally raffle tickets- gone from registration page


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dan just send the $35 to vrrally2009@yahoo.com thru paypal . Ill know what its for.


now paypal is saying it has identified me as a non profit organization and wants all kinds of tax exempt crap and other papers....im trying to get it straightened out.

I sent them an email explaining i am simply an individual collecting money for t shirts etc for a rally we are having......

why after all this time???

i told them the payments will be stopping in the next couple weeks......

what a pain.........they havent blocked my account or anything like that but want this info......:think:




About 2 months ago, I warned everyone that the Fed Govt was going to require all credit card companies, E-bay, Paypal etc to start reporting individual transactions and activities. This was to "help identify terrorists" and for taxation purposes.


So, if you are not a non-profit, than you could end up getting taxed on the money received as income.

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i got it all straightened out russell.......explained exactly what i was doing and for what and they have left me alone now......


but let this be a lesson to future paypal rally payments etc.......be careful about using their buttons for raffle tickets and the like as gambling payments are against their policys....


im really surprised don didnt get hit by them when he did the member payments with so many coming in to his account.????

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