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I use a Fluke 88 automotive Multimeter with a Inductive Pick-up (RPM80) attachment that works great. Kinda pricey but I had it anyway. Should be the same principal...can't really see why it would not work with your RSV. Size of the clamp may be a problem...not much room to get it in there around the plug wire.



http://us.fluke.com/images/products/accessories/Rpm80_main.jpg http://us.fluke.com/images/products/industrial/digital_multimeters/88V_07_200p.jpg


Thanks. Yeah, looked into one of those but I'd have to buy a new Multimeter to use it so the price would be lots higher than this unit.


If it comes down to the permanent mount tach being a better deal then I'll go with that but I think people on this site have used these before. Just checking to see that they will actually work on our bikes.

and does it work on our bikes (specifically 2nd Gen).


ESI325 Inductive Tach

Anyone use anything else besides a permanent bar/reservoir mounted tach?


I just bought one of these Harbor Freight 3-1/2" LCD Multimeter with Tachometer Kit to use in syncing carbs. While the carb syncing was a bust, the tach worked well. I wish it would be a little less instantaneous, because it jumps a lot, but otherwise seems a solid piece of equipment at a reasonable price.



I just bought one of these Harbor Freight 3-1/2" LCD Multimeter with Tachometer Kit to use in syncing carbs. While the carb syncing was a bust, the tach worked well. I wish it would be a little less instantaneous, because it jumps a lot, but otherwise seems a solid piece of equipment at a reasonable price.





Thanks for that link!! :thumbsup2: I went to Harbor Freight's web site, thinking that someone here had gotten one there, but couldn't find anything when I searched.

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