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Maybe a little hope

Yammer Dan

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I got misunderstood on here not long ago. But of course I still ain't backing up. Was talking to my Insurance Agent today to switch Insurances. When I told her that ANPAC ( MY Insurance) didn't seem too interested in fighting this she about hung up on me telling me she would call me back. She called me back minutes later and told me ANPAC was fighting it and thought they might get it turned around in my favor even without a Reconstion Expert. She said the rep handling it did not want to tell me something that could fall through. Very understandable. She said not to hold her to anything but gave me some hope. She could understand what I've been going through for over a month not knowing anything but that it looked like I was going to loose big time because of a Stupid Moron of a Law Enforcement Officer. ( Now I will make a bunch more mad) I am Law Emforcement myself hanging on to the bottom rung of that ladder as a Correctional Officer. Skid knows what I think of Sheriff's Dept. I think Skid is a outstanding Law Enforcement Officer but don't want to give him big head. Anyway the ANPAC rep told my agent that it was the worst accident report he had ever seen but there was a good chance they could turn it around anyway. My statement was very good. I'm used to writing them against jail-house lawyers. I have bumped heads with the Sheriff's Dept. several times. I think this was a chance to get back. I will be very glad to give them my opinion of using your office for personal gain. Didn't mean to write book but I may not have to shoot myself after all. Just kidding but this has really been working on me. Wish me luck.

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I really happy to hear you have some hope to hang your hat on Dan.

Hang in there bud..

I just called the insurance company of my 2nd hit & run, and she told me again that she still does not have a copy of the police/ accident report...and that she cant do anything for me until she receives a copy of it.

Accident happend May 30th....I guess it's being shipped / delieved by slow camel....:confused24:

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Dan I really hope they can get this worked out for you, at least it sounds like they are trying. Dont do anything dumb with the gun, permanent solution to a temporary problem, I cant afford to loose anymore friends...... Craig

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Dan I really hope they can get this worked out for you, at least it sounds like they are trying. Dont do anything dumb with the gun, permanent solution to a temporary problem, I cant afford to loose anymore friends...... Craig



Bad joke Craig. I don't think that one is in me but it has been rough to deal with considering how I got treated by DairyLand insurance in the "Blue Beast" accident. I still haven't given up on at leat getting something for the bike in that one but it don't look good.

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Now Dan, that sounds more like what i wanted to hear from you.


I couldn't understand what those Folks are making out of the Situation, but now, there is some Hope.


Hang in there, there's a little Light far out at the Horizon.

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Hey Friend, sending you love and support from over here.:thumbsup2::australia::thumbsup2:

It gets frustrating, don't it?? I too don't know if my case will be successful, and I know what it's like to not be able to be independent and do what you want--that frustration I REALLY know!!


You hang in there buddy-and remember :You_Rock_Emoticon:

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I really happy to hear you have some hope to hang your hat on Dan.


Hang in there bud..



I just called the insurance company of my 2nd hit & run, and she told me again that she still does not have a copy of the police/ accident report...and that she cant do anything for me until she receives a copy of it.


Accident happend May 30th....I guess it's being shipped / delieved by slow camel....:confused24:


Strange that it is taking so long for them to get the report. You may want to take it upon yourself to call the law enforcement agency that responded and request the crash report (or whatever the insurance people actually need) for yourself, then you can take it to your agent directly...

Just a thought, good luck to both of you!

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