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Apparently, I had a screw loose (in more ways than one, I'm sure), but this one was on my '07 Venture, and it's no longer loose, it's gone! Darn! I hate loosing parts. My probably with this one in particular, is that I can't locate it in Yamaha's exploded microfiche. The dealer can't find the part number either. We're both stumped. Let me try and explain where and what it is.


There is a section of plastic (ABS) directly in front of the left floorboard. I always called it "Cowling", but perhaps that's not the correct term for that part. Anyway, directly in front of my left floorboard in that plastic piece, there is a place for a screw of some type. That's what's missing off my bike. The plastic piece now rattles a bit, and vibrates at speed.


I would like to know a Yamaha Part number for that particular screw if possible. And, even more importantly . . . exactly what size and type of screw I would need to replace it correctly.


Any assistance would certainly be appreciated.



Pete & Sandy


I'm sitting out her in the garage and looking at the bike Its either 13 or 30

I thought 9 or 10 but those are in the upper black cover




90154-05013-00SCREW, BINDING


13 or 30 are the same thing just different side.

Posted (edited)

Okay, here's a picture of the left floorboard. The screw which I am missing, is right in front of the inside cowling (or cover), which is directly in front of the left floorboard. My big toe would be pointing at the hole which you can see.


I am trying to figure-out exactly what screw goes in that hole. Even better, would be Yamaha's official, descriptive part number.


2007, Midnight Venture


Does the picture help?


Thanks guys!


Edited by petekadish
Added picture
I'll go out and take a picture of it and post it when I get to work.




Is there another one on the other side that perhaps you can take out and take to the hardware store?


That's what I posted. Just order


90154-05013-00 SCREW, BINDING


That's the part number from the fiche.

If you'll look at part 13 on the drawing. Then look at the plastic piece its going into. that's the piece just under your floor board. The pic is showing a bolt but the parts list says "Screw,Binding" Which is what you want.


Hey Buddy, wouldn't it be great if it was that easy to fix everyone on this site that has a srew loose?? Excluding me of course. Loose screws are all that's holding me together. Maybe there is a Loctite solution for that, but I doubt it.

There ain't that much loctite.......:rotf::rotf:
Ouch :ignore: What would I do without the love and support of my Venture friends..... :think: :think:

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