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Police Officers Prayer

Oh Almighty God, whose great power and eternal wisdom embraces the universe.

Watch over all policemen and law enforcement officers.

Father in Heaven please give them the strength, courage and perseverance to endure

The unjust condemnation, danger, and physical abuse to which they are at times subjected.

We recommend them to your loving care because their duty is dangerous.

Dear God, grant these brave men your almighty protection,

Unite them safely with their families after duty has ended.



Lord I ask for courage~

Courage to face and conquer my own fears...

Courage to take me where others will not go...


I ask for strength~

Strength of body to protect others,

Strength of spirit to lead others...


I ask for dedication~

Dedication to my job, to do it well,

Dedication to my community, to keep it safe...

Give me, Lord, concern for those who trust me,

and compassion for those who need me...

And please, Lord, through it all,

be at my side...

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