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rally at the hub


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hi all

i have to inform you all. that with much regret. sarah & i will not be attending this years '09 international rally at the hub. i had pm snarley bill a few days ago to let him know. sarah & i had been working on some m/c games for the kids. thanks to all who had sent me suggestions for different bike games. we had picked out a couple & were looking forward to puting them into use. again sorry but some personal issuses have come up that will keep us from attending.

best reguards

don c. & sarah

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sorry to hear this gunboat.hope everything resolves itself........


gonna have to try to find someone else to volunteer to do the kids entertainment, if we find someone could you forward what plans you had for the kids to them?


Ill get back to you on this.....

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Sorry to hear you and Sarah can't make it Don. We were looking forward to seeing you again as well as the kids. Life stuff does have a way of interfering with the best laid plans. Hope whatever you have to attend to, you'll have successful results.


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hi all

thanks for all the good words and vibes, all are much apprecated right now. everything will work out one way or another. cindy the kids stuff sarah & i were working on was.

1. bowling lane w/plastic pins. drive up to a line & passenger releases a ball at the pins. best score after 3 passes.

2. set up safety cones (large/tall ones) about 10- 5 left and 5 right zig-zag course. passenger has to take off all of the balls (tennis) going thru and on the return pass put them back on top of the safety cones. most balls off/on wins.

3. balloon toss. have a horizonal bar on two up rights. like police yellow (do not cross tape). but not too high up & as they ride under it , have the passenger toss a water filled balloon up & over the tape and catch the balloon without it busting. 3 passes most caught balloons with out busting wins.

the safety cones can be rented in harrison.

the up rights can be made from pvc pipe bought from a hardware store.

the plastic boweling pins can be bought at wall-mart & there is one in harrison (north side of town).

best reguards

don c.

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