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The intercom is always hot, you can talk over the radio or other audio on the intercom, even when the CB is on. When there is a strong enough signal, to overcome the squelch, on the CB or you hit the PTT button the other audio is muted and the CB is the only thing you'll hear.


IC is hot all the time. When you transmit on CB it will mute the radio audio as well as mute the radio audio when you receive on the CB.


So all three can be on and in use at the same time. The CB will always over ride the radio.


This was one thing I didn't know when I first got my 99 way back when. I didn't have a HS for the longest time and was not aware the CB was on and thought I was having problems with the radio. Once I actually got the book out and read a little I felt as dumb as I do telling everyone about it right now.


The only other comment is that all sound comes out either the headset or speakers, no matter what the source. You cannot select intercom in the headsets and radio in the speakers.


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