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Hey Annie!!!!!!!


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Your wife doesn't read the forum does she Boomer? :rotf::rotf:




Actually she does once inna while. If I'm gone from the Site for a day or so its only cuz I have to let the swelling of the cartoon knots on my head go down .......:crackup:


Boomer.....who's not quite fast enuff to dodge that skillet.:crying:


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Would roller skates help on the gettin away part? :crackup:




Nope........Tried that once and twisted both ankles.:crying:


Boomer.......who can't afford them $200 NBA Nike sneakers.....but found that reversing duct tape socks werks jest as well.:happy34:

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GREAT! Now Boomer & Eck, go to the bit in "red" and then follow the advice printed on the bottom



Annie if I ever get the time and the funding co-ordinated you can bet yer sweet wallabee I'm bringing the scoot Down Under for some serious riding and socializing!



Boomer........ who could die in Australia....if the gal's hubby is a good shot that is.

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I also recieved a package from "down under" today!!!


thank ya darlin!! and keep an eye peeled for that name!!! they be everywhere down there!!


eusa1= who wan'ts ta beat the boomer to outback and the outback galz!!:witch_brew:

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we need to rename her awesome annie. i recieved a couple of nice packages from annie several weeks ago. annie is the definition of what a real thoughtful person and venture rider should be. we love you annie. just wish you were here. linda and i would love to meet you someday down the road. we are still working on something really nice we can do for you. bill and linda :clap2::clap2::clap2:

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Well guys I been thinking it would be nice if we could send Annie a nice gift.Let's keep this plan under wraps by PM's to each other and see what we can do by working together.



Boomer.......who thinks Annie is well worth any effort required to put a smile on her face.

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Well guys I been thinking it would be nice if we could send Annie a nice gift.Let's keep this plan under wraps by PM's to each other and see what we can do by working together.



Boomer.......who thinks Annie is well worth any effort required to put a smile on her face.


eusa1.......... who thinks boomer has a good idea!! you have a pm.

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Sorry Annie thats what happens when you perform random acts of kindness with these guys. They get all Lovie and mushy and stuff. They aren;'t used to it. ! LOL!:big-grin-emoticon:


Man that sure is the truth for me!


Boomer......who can dodge beer bottles and rocks with the best of the best.:guitarist 2:

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