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OK folks, I'm getting ready to pull the trigger on the changes to the forum. I have held off because some folks do not use PayPal and had mailed checks and money orders. I think that I have received most of them.


Everybody who has paid should be marked now as a supporting member. You should see "supporting member" beside your username in any post that you have made. You can also see it in your UserCP at the upper right, across from your username.


If you have paid and are not marked so, you need to let me know today. If you mailed a check but I haven't yet received it, let me know and I'll go ahead and mark you paid and trust that it will get to me.


When I make the final changes, probably tonight, registered but non-supporting members will no longer be able to post messages. Even as I type this, I'm not sure exactly what areas will be open for read only but some will certainly be for members only.


After the change, any new people who register will get a 15 day free trial. At the end of that trial, they will be automatically moved to the non-supporting group.


So, if you have paid and are not marked as such, please let me know today.


If you want to pay and haven't done so, go to your UserCP and scroll down until you see "Paid Subsriptions" in the left menu. Click on that and follow the instructions. You will be able to pay via PayPal. You do not have to be registered at PayPal to do so. It will allow you to pay via PayPal, credit card or ECheck.




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hi hey i was looking at member,s list . and i did not see member below my name. i have paid my dues. sorry if i am reading it wrong jim (nickle)


Don. Just noticed that you too are a Supporting Member.

That's selling yourself very short my friend.

Surely you can change that to The Big Kahuna?

hi hey i was looking at member,s list . and i did not see member below my name. i have paid my dues. sorry if i am reading it wrong jim (nickle)


You are good. Look at the post that you made. It says "Supporting Member" right beside your name. :)

Don. Just noticed that you too are a Supporting Member.

That's selling yourself very short my friend.

Surely you can change that to The Big Kahuna?


LOL...heck...if I didn't mark me paid, I would lose access. :confused24:


Probably be more after you flip the switch. I would setup a tease to get them to join, you know let them read only the first few lines of a thread or tech section and then at the bottom have the join button

Probably be more after you flip the switch. I would setup a tease to get them to join, you know let them read only the first few lines of a thread or tech section and then at the bottom have the join button



Sounds like a plan!!

Guest OldDog

Hi, Don, I've been using this forum as a read-only, so this message is just a trial to see if I'm listed as a supporting member.


Hey Don,

Still don’t have the new RSV yet. The way the economy’s going it may be a few years. Maybe by that time Yamaha will replace the darn cassette player. Anyhow I just got paid up so I can keep logging on. As I do several times a day. Thanks




I mailed you a cheque some time ago but don't think that 'supporting member'

is being displayed. Had sent a pm at the time of mailing.




aka Jack Toews



some thoughts:

It occurred to me you may need to re write the intro on the home page.

Have "join here" buttons everywhere e.g at the end of each post/thread

Maybe even a separation between supporting and non supporting members on the counter.

Is the trial going to include the ability to post? Personally don't think it should.


Btw; and certainly not the least important, how's your treatment coming?


At this time, the trial does include the ability to post but I can change that at any time. Right now, the 15 day trial gives full access. I will likely make changes as we move ahead and fine tune it to better fit our needs.


OK folks...I THINK it is done. Within a few minutes or so....the task manager should run and automatically move anybody who joined more than 15 days ago and has NOT purchased a subscription to the new Expired Trial Group. At that time, those folks will no longer be able to post to the forums. At this time, they will still be able to read but just not post. I'm going to do this in stages so as not to shut people off immediately. So...I will leave it this way for a few days and then will likely change it so that non-supporting members will not be able to read either. I may try to set it up so that they can read the first few threads in a forum but no more. Don't know if I can figure that out or not but we'll see how it works out over the next few days.


I repeat, if you are NOT marked as a supporting member but have paid, PLEASE send me a PM and let me know. Even if you have mailed a check and I have not had time to receive it yet, I will still mark you paid.


That is one smart, logical move you made here Don. I think it is about time that you get something back for all your expenses, time and work. Long due to say the least. Proud to be a member of this great community.

Wish you and your family all the best.

Guest Ken8143
That is one smart, logical move you made here Don. I think it is about time that you get something back for all your expenses, time and work. Long due to say the least. Proud to be a member of this great community.

Wish you and your family all the best.



I agree!


I finally did it!


OK folks, I'm getting ready to pull the trigger on the changes to the forum. I have held off because some folks do not use PayPal and had mailed checks and money orders. I think that I have received most of them.


Everybody who has paid should be marked now as a supporting member. You should see "supporting member" beside your username in any post that you have made. You can also see it in your UserCP at the upper right, across from your username.


If you have paid and are not marked so, you need to let me know today. If you mailed a check but I haven't yet received it, let me know and I'll go ahead and mark you paid and trust that it will get to me.


When I make the final changes, probably tonight, registered but non-supporting members will no longer be able to post messages. Even as I type this, I'm not sure exactly what areas will be open for read only but some will certainly be for members only.


After the change, any new people who register will get a 15 day free trial. At the end of that trial, they will be automatically moved to the non-supporting group.


So, if you have paid and are not marked as such, please let me know today.


If you want to pay and haven't done so, go to your UserCP and scroll down until you see "Paid Subsriptions" in the left menu. Click on that and follow the instructions. You will be able to pay via PayPal. You do not have to be registered at PayPal to do so. It will allow you to pay via PayPal, credit card or ECheck.




If you let them post what stops one from resigning up every 15 days to get info.


They will be blocked by their email address and also the log of their IP address. There may be ways to get around it but it will require some effort. If somebody wants to go to that much trouble to save $1.00 a month then they need it worse than I do. :)


with 7,000 members and only 1,200 paying members that means 5,800 less people

that will be able to share there thoughts . but if those people paid dues that would be

69,600.00 . That would help fund a lot of needs for this site ! .and this club. when I get the extra money Ill send itin,Freebird. Its been nice chatting with some of you .seem like a nice group of people. with good values and morles.:thumbdown::think:

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