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BOY!! This Site is Boring....


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What has happened to this once Kick Ass :crying: forum I definately have to come back here and start :stirthepot:


I have to admit after getting ridof the bike I totally lost interest of this site But some my fellow members and friends kept me inform whats happening.And seeing the original crew are still here and watching the DVD's of ME!!!:rotfl:


My hobbies of fishing and motorcycling is 50/50 its no more nor less thats how I feel about the two

But lately the motorcycling is in my heart and fishing is becoming a bit expensive.


Im 56 with Rheaumatoid Arthristis and some of my fellow members here know where Im coming from with this because they have it and I want to be that 21 year-old again ..So Cinderella IM BACK I havent forgotten that intimate session in the back seat of Wolfie Truck at Eureka Springs:dancefool::rotfl:


What I miss about this site is my friends :bighug:, and Don that includes you too:rotfl:and Lonna's Cheesecake



Last week I went out and sold most of my fishing equipment(Yes Beer30 High tech stuff That you wouldnt know about :rasberry:) and my old boat that leaks :doh: took my saving and went out and bought a 2009


AAHH What did I buy( sorry Squid I didnt tell you) I hope you understand even if you are my closest friend its still a secret


Im waiting for 2 accessories which are back order When they come in I'll take a photo of this BLACK Machine All I can say Its ME


THE DARK SIDE HAS WON.:crying:.. Im SO SO SO SORRY to my fellow 1st Gens owners


I havent gotten my passport yet So I wont be going to any across the border meets maybe next year


So Moderators on this site..... Are you ready for me.... OR..... have you all :Laugh::Laugh::Laugh: fell asleep in your Lazy Boy Chairs

Edited by E-Fishin-C
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I don't care what you ride Charlie as long as we might get to see you again.

Can't believe you went to a 2nd gen though, just like Skid. You guys must be gettin old. :crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup:





I didnt say it was a 2nd Gen Did I

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Hey Charlie, it sure is good of you to stop by. We do need a little stirring up here. I hope you do get that passport, I still need to meet you in person.

I will be waiting in the back seat of a 66 Opel, that is where I met my first husband Ron. (I suppose that would be in a junk yard now).


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Gee, a Can Am Spyder was going to be my guess as well!! Give us a hint, what country is it made in??

Probably China, you know it can't be very big,,,,,,,, and the wheels have to be small and carry a lot of weight. Tires need to have deep grooves to get through all the BS,,,,, steering will be loose as usual,,,,,,, there's probably no headlight, kind of useless anyways the the rider drives,,,,,,,brake lights don't help none either,,,,,,,do I need to go on??

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