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Almost went down


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Today I was on my way to my mother-in-laws, she was having a birthday party for my youngest daughter just turned 16.

I was getting off the cloverleaf exit in tifton ga. Its a real hairpin turn, that I really love to lean through, you know scrub the floorboards, well today I came off the interstate around 50 MPH, and found a surprize in the middle of this exit, OIL a nice large patch.

Well with the floorboards all but scubbing, there was no way to miss it, the brickstone on the frount just went to sliding, the kumho on the back did not slide at all, it held all the way through the patch. Now I have been ridding since age 13, 37 years, I don't remember ever having this situation before. I have slid the rear around but not the frount. The only thing I could think to do was to stand the bike up, it came up and I almost went across the ditch into the access road. I kept it up but don't know how.

I did not touch the brakes at all, pretty sure that would have put me down.


had to change underwear afterward.

will slow down there from now on.



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Had the same sort of thing happen to me a few years ago.

Was gaining speed to merge into traffic and ran through some coolant I think, at any rate the front end slide out and I almost went down but in the mean time the guy behind me driving a small pickup was watching the traffic so he too could merge into traffic. When he turned and saw me almost stopped on the ramp he swerved and came up sliding in the gravel right next to me.

We both changed our underwear and continued on our way.:big-grin-emoticon:


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