04Midnight Posted June 12, 2009 #1 Posted June 12, 2009 Is anybody using the Zumo 660 with the BuddyRich cable and BT phone? Are you getting good results being heard on the other end when talking on the phone? For the record, folks in the Zumo forum are reporting weak voice under different configurations. This is NOT a problem with the BuddyRich cable. I am getting weak voice myself and looking for feedback from other Venture owners. Cheers!
BuddyRich Posted June 12, 2009 #2 Posted June 12, 2009 Are you saying the caller can't hear you, or you cannot hear them very well ?
04Midnight Posted June 12, 2009 Author #3 Posted June 12, 2009 I'm saying that the caller cannot hear me very well. I hear the callers just fine. I don't think it's an issue with your cable. This problem is being reported in the Zumo forum from folks using the Zumo 660 with different bikes and different hardwired kits. BTW, classy kit you sent me. The little extras are nice.
BuddyRich Posted June 12, 2009 #4 Posted June 12, 2009 The volume may be lower than normal to them but you should sound fine. I did find I had to cup my hand over the mic when riding as I was trying to yell over the wind noise. The caller didn't even know I was on a bike though. If its really low I may need to redo the cable for you. I would say give me a call but that would probably be an international call. Is there any control on the mic voulme on the 660 ? Also, just to double check be sure the mic has not turned around in the windsock and is facing down or away. The mic should just be touching your lips.
04Midnight Posted June 12, 2009 Author #5 Posted June 12, 2009 I was testing this in my garage, so no wind noise. And there is no mic volume control on the 660. I did make sure I was talking in the right side of the mic. The voice is coming through if I talk loud enough. The 660 is new and is very buggy and has a lot of BT issues. Again, from the discussion in the Zumo forum, it sounds like a problem when using the Zumo's hard-wired mic connection. This is why I would love to hear from members here that have this setup.
04Midnight Posted June 12, 2009 Author #6 Posted June 12, 2009 PS: I'm using a Edsets kit, too. It's top notch stuff. My voice comes through great over the CB.
BuddyRich Posted June 12, 2009 #7 Posted June 12, 2009 Especially someone with a 660. I think your the first to use the cable with a 660. Are ther any updates to the software on it yet ?
Midrsv Posted June 12, 2009 #8 Posted June 12, 2009 I know you're looking for info from a 660 user but just for a point of reference I have no problems with my 550. People don't even know I'm on the bike at 70 mph and I don't have to yell. As Buddyrich suggested, I keep the mic close to my mouth. I'm also interested in the 660 performance because I have a friend that is interested in one. Dennis
04Midnight Posted June 12, 2009 Author #9 Posted June 12, 2009 Understood. But it seems that Garmin has taken a few steps backwards in releasing the 660. You would think that they would have built upon the 550, but they didn't. Functionality that was present in previous Garmin units is missing. Bugs that were long ago resolved in older models are present on the 660. Until firmware upgrades start coming in, this thing will remain a mess. For example, it appears that they are using a different BT chipset in the 660. Basic stuff that worked on the 550 doesn't work on the 660. Like phonebook transfer, pairing, etc. Another example is recalculating routes on import. It's causing no end of grief for users. Go do some reading at zumoforums.com. It's pathetic.
04Midnight Posted June 12, 2009 Author #10 Posted June 12, 2009 BuddyRich said: Especially someone with a 660. I think your the first to use the cable with a 660. Are ther any updates to the software on it yet ? The folks who bought this thing are eagerly waiting for a firmware update. The BT stack in one area where major improvements are needed.
BEER30 Posted June 12, 2009 #11 Posted June 12, 2009 Not any experience with the 660 , but after switching over from the Kennedy Cellset wiring , it has been a great improvement switching to Buddies cables . I do not have to mess with the IC volume anymore . Plus I did get a new Samsung Delve smart . phone . Don't know if the 660 has seperate volume for MP-3/Cellphone/GPS prompts (as well as the MC's IC volume) like the 550 does . Check to see if the volumes adjustments make any difference . Now that I got me one of them new smart phones , I already feel intelagent now ! BEER30
SaltyDawg Posted June 13, 2009 #12 Posted June 13, 2009 I highly doubt that the cable would make any difference at all. I had almost the exact same problem and I even contacted Buddy Rich about it. What ended up being the problem was the zumo 550 wasn't seating in the mount properly to get the connection good and tight. I cleaned the connections and applied dialectric grease and the problem went away for a while. It comes back now and then but I have removed the security screw so I can reach up and release the radio from the cradle, tweak it a little and reseat it while I am talking over the phone. Most times this fixes the problem and folks hear me perfectly.
04Midnight Posted June 13, 2009 Author #13 Posted June 13, 2009 I got to try the phone on the road today. Got a call from my gf. She said I sounded fine. I was talking louder than when I was testing it in the garage, but I was by no means screaming. So I guess all is well. Cheers, and cudos to BuddyRich for that cable!
CMIKE Posted June 14, 2009 #14 Posted June 14, 2009 I have a new 660 and am very pleased with it. I am not using a headset YET. I have no problems hearing the radio, don't see a need for the CB YET. The wife and me does not have problems taking to each other. I am not sure how the wind noise is gonna effect the mics on the intercome system. I plan on getting a head set but not right now. 6700 miles so far without one... Mine seems to link up blue tooth just fine and it looked like all 935 phone numbers (work phone) are availible on the 660. It takes a minute or two to sync up. I usually put my phone on the gas tank while I am getting ready to ride to let it do its business while I am getting ready to go. I make a test call to my voice mail to make sure it is finished linking up. If I hear the voice mail over the 660 I am good to go. I keep my phone in my pocket and I do not use the phone while I am riding. It is really handy to see who is calling on the Zumo so if it may be important I can pull over to return the calls. Before the zumo...I used a blue tooth Jawbone with noise assasin that worked good if I wanted to answer the phone while riding. Voice was not crystal clear but pretty darn good to the caller. They did not know I was on a bike. I am on the phone so much at work...I will just about wont answer one even if I am stopped. with the headset I could not tell who was calling so that was not good. I plan the routes and dump them into the Zumo with the PC software. The software that came with it seems a little akward but maybe I have not figured out all the tricks of it yet. Harley has a trip planner on the web that is eaiser...but is a BETA and it will crash and trashes your routes if you do not save them to a thumb drive or something when you get them like you want. It is pretty good for picking those back roads and staying away from big city traffic and interstates If you let the Zumo pick the routes...it seems to like to ride the interstate all the time. I hate the superslabs. I follow the routes pretty close but I picked the roads...mostly 2 lane back roads. I did have it lock up once after I got it to detour around a railroad crossing construction. I just pressed the off button and back on...it picked up where I left off on my route. I use the Aux port of the bikes audio system for my XM radio and did not connect the Zumo to the audio system on the bike. I put a splitter under the fairing and ran it out to the XM Roady. I was not sure how the volume on both the XM and Zumo was gonna pan out together. I was hoping the cable Buddy builds might resolve that but he said it would not help in this case. I have found I do not need to hear anything the zumo says...I just glance at the screen to see when and where I need to turn next. I have not tried to use the MP3 player part of it yet. I have no use for it really. I have been carrying a Ipod nano before the Zumo and swap the jack from XM to Ipod if I use it. I really like the Bluetooth function. We usually stop the bike when we are ready to hunt a hotel. Find a hotel in the area with Zumo we may want to stay at...let the 660 dial the number...talk through the 660 to ask about vacancy and room rates then...press the GO and it leads me to the hotel. Heck I may just be too stupid to realize there is a problem. I have had the small hand held GPS units before and used them for hunting. This is the first GPS with a Screen I have ever had. What is broke on it? What is the problems with the software? I have not been to the Zumo forum yet...and may not till I find a problem I cannot resolve. I know you were asking for a 660 using the buddy rich cable and I am not using one YET.
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