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Just wishing everyone who is heading to Don's to have a safe trip there and back. Wish I could have joined you all but it bees that way sometimes....:backinmyday:


Thank you so much Jeff. I sure wish you were going to be there. I will pray that everyone has an enjoyable safe ride to Don's.

Yama Mama:thumbsup2:


You STILL suffering from that day cold, Peg? I could have sworn a couple of months ago you were gonna get sick tomorrow and have to go to the doc's up in Oberlin (you know that socialized medicine, you can't go to your own doc whos close!). So we're not gonna see you this year?



You STILL suffering from that day cold, Peg? I could have sworn a couple of months ago you were gonna get sick tomorrow and have to go to the doc's up in Oberlin (you know that socialized medicine, you can't go to your own doc whos close!). So we're not gonna see you this year?



Oddly, enough I am going to the doctor tomorrow. Funny you should say that.

I am working on it. It is not easy for me to have a planned illness.




Put fresh oil & filter and gear oil in the bike today, so as to be able to spend more time socializing when I get to Dr. Don's (The MD doesn't stand for Maryland, I don't think).



MD stands for Maintenance Day.





For Peg's sake , it stands for Medical Dr. .......ain't that right Peg ?





My initials are MD and I prescribe for everyone (just to be safe) that you stay away from co-workers for the next 4 days so you won't infect them with something you may have. A good long motorcycle ride will blow the bugs off. I hear the weather in northest Ohio will be good this weekend to ease your suffering.

MD stands for Maintenance Day.




Thanks, as I was confused. Seeing as the title of this thread is Safe trip to MD.... I made the assumption that it was referring to a trip to MD, which is the US Postal code for Maryland, which is about 20 Miles from my home, so I thought some people would be riding nearby and I would have liked to say HI in person.


Your response cleared up my confusion.


A QUICK search of the Internet found 404 terms that are abbreviated as MD.


NOTE: I could find only two terms that have the word maintenance in them, Maintenance Diagnostic and Maintenance Drop. I could only find six terms that have the word day in them, Man-Day, Meadow Day, Mega Day, Memorial Day, Meridian Day and Mother's Day.


Here is the complete list:


Air Madagascar (IATA airline code)

Duration Magnitude (US Geological Survey; used to compute earthquake size based on shake time)

Machine Dependent

Machine Direction

Machinery Damage (insurance)

Macular Degeneration

Macular Dystrophy

Mad Doctor

Madhuri Dixit (Indian actress)

Magazine Dr

Magdeburg (German license plate code)

Magic Dragon

Magical Drop (SNK game)

Magistratsdirektion (German: municipality directorate)

Magma Design

Magnetic Data

Magnetic Detection

Magnetic Disk

Magnetic Drive

Magnum Dynalab

Mahler Das

Mail David

Mail Delivery

Mail Department

Mail Destination

Mail Drop


Main Deck

Main Droite (accoridion, right hand side)

Maintainability Demonstration

Maintenance Diagnostic

Maintenance Drop

Major Depression

Make a Donation

Make Directory (MS-DOS command)

Makers Database

Making a Donation

Malfunction Detection

Malin Dollinger

Mallard Dr

Mammalian Development

Management Data

Management Date

Management Department

Management Development

Management Directive

Management Directives

Management Division

Management Domain

Management of Disseminated

Managerial Development

Managing Director

Managing diversity

Mandarina Duck

Mandatory (band)

Mandatory Death (band)


Mando Diao (band)

Manic Depression

Manipulative Deception

Manning Document

Manpower Development

Manual Dexterity

Manual Direct

Manual doc

Manufacture Discontinued (AT&T)

Manufacturer Defined

Manufacturing Development

Map and Directions

Map and Driving


Maps and Directions

Marcel Dekker

Marek's Disease (chicken virus)

Marina Drive

Maritime Defense

Maritime Division

Mark A Davis

Mark Danney

Mark David

Mark Davis

Mark Dershwitz

Mark Dickson

Mark Dougherty

Market Development

Marketing Department

Marketing Director

Marlene Dietrich

Marriage Data

Marriage Divorce

Marrow Donors

Marshalled Deployability

Martian Dust

Martin Dawes

Martin DDS

Martin Donna

Martin Drive

Maryland (US postal abbreviation)

Maryland and Delaware

Maryland Daniel

Maryland David

Maryland December

Maryland Delaware

Maryland Democracy

Maryland Department

Maryland Dept

Maryland Dispatch

Maryland District

Maryland DNR

Maryland Donald

Maryland Douglas

Maryland Downtown

Maryland Dr

Maryland Only Dedicated

Mason Dixon

Mason-Dixon (Civil War era boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland)

Mass David

Mass Destruction

Mass Driver (Gundam seed anime)

Massachusetts Department

Massachusetts Dr

Master Developer

Master Directory

Master Document

Master of Disaster

Master's Degree

Material Defender (Descent game series)

Materials Development

Materials Directorate

Materials Disposition

Materials Division (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

Materiel Developer

Materiel Development

Mathematics Department

Mathematics Durham

Matrix Diagram (Sprint - Quality)

Matt Damon (actor)

Matthew Davis

Matthias D

Mauritius Dr

Maxim Dallas

Maximum Demand

Maxwell Donald

McAuley Drive

McCormick Dr


McCulloch David

McD Douglas


Mcdonell Douglas

Mcdonnel Douglas



Meadow Day

Mean Deviation

Mean Diffusivity

Mean Downtime

Measurable Development (Sterling Performance Corporation)

Measured Depth (oil and gas)

Measurement Difference

Measurements Division

Mechanized Division

Media Directory


Mediation Device

Medical and Dental

Medical Defense

Medical Degree

Medical Dental

Medical Department

Medical Design

Medical Device

Medical Diagnosis

Medical Dictionary

Medical Director

Medical Directors

Medical Directory

Medical Division

Medical Doctor

Medical Doctors

Medical Drive

Medicinae Doctor (Doctor of Medicine)

Medicine and Dentistry

Medicine and Dept

Medicine and Dermatology

Medicine and Director

Medicine at Duke

Medicine Daniel

Medicine David

Medicine Davis

Medicine Deborah

Medicine Degrees

Medicine Dennis

Medicine Dentistry

Medicine Denver

Medicine Departments

Medicine Dept

Medicine Dermatology

Medicine Diplomate

Medicine Director

Medicine Division

Medicine Doctor

Medicine Donald

Medicine Douglas

Medicine Dr

Medicine in Denver

Meet our Doctors

Meet the Doctors

Meeting Details

Mega Day

Mega Drive (Sega)

Megadeth (band)

Member Defense

Member Directory

Member Donald

Members Daniel

Members David

Members Donald

Membership David

Membership Directory

Membrane Distillation

Memorial Day

Memorial Drive

Memphis District

Men Division


Mendoza (Argentina province, airline code)

Meningococcal Disease

Mentally Deficient

Mentor David

Meridian Day

Merriam Webster Dictionary

Message Digest

Messages for December

Messenger Discovery

Metabolic Diseases

Metabolic Disorders

Metabolism and Diabetes

Metadata Database

Metal Detector

Metal Detectors

Meter Dash

Meter Dose (inhaler devices)

Methamphetamine Drug

Method Development

Methodology Deliverable

Methods Development


Metropolitan Dairies

Metropolitan District (UK)

Mexico Default

Miami Dade

Miami Department

Miami Dept

Miami-Dade (Miami-Dade County, Fl)

Michael David

Michael DeBakey

Michael DI

Michael Donnelly

Michael Douglas

Michael Doyle

Michael DPM

Michael Dunn

Michigan Departments

Michigan Donald

Microarray Data


Microphone Doctor

Microsoft Download

Microwave Denitrification

Microwave Drying

Mid Atlantic DE

Middle Danish

Middle District

Middle Dutch

Middletown Delaware

Mighty Dog (dog food)

Mike Duncan

Miles Davis

Milestone Decision

Military Departments

Military Disasters

Military District

Military Division

Mill Desk (Home Depot)

Millennium Declaration

Miller Donald

Miller Draft

Millidarcy (measure of permeability)

Million Dead (band)

Mine Disc (gaming)

Mine Disposal

Mini Disc

Mini Disk

Minimum Distance (algorithm)

Ministria e Drejtësisë (Ministry of Justice, Albania)

Minnesota Dakota

Minnesota Department

Minnesota Distance

Minnesota Duluth

Minor Defect

Minor Dings

Minute Disc

Missile Defense

Missing Data (statistics)

Mission Data

Mission Director

Mission Duration

Missionary Department


Mister Donut (restaurant)

Mitchell David


MN Director

Mnemonic Debugger (firmware-level diagnostic environment used in Apollo Computers)


Mode (DSC)

Model Design

Modeling Division

Modem Digital

Modem Driver

Modem Drivers

Moderator Detritiation

Modern Drummer (magazine)

Modernization Division (Forecast Systems Laboratory, NOAA)

Modificador Directo (Spanish grammar)

Modified Dec

Modulation Depth

Module Designer (gaming)

Mogen David (wine)

Moldova (ISO country identifier)

Molecular Devices

Molecular Diagnostics

Molecular Dynamics

Momo Design

Monday December

Mongiardo D

Monochrome Display

Monocular Deprivation

Monroe Davis

Montana Dr

Montgomery Dr

Monthly Digest

Months After Date

Montrose Drive

Mood Disorders

Moore Dennis

More Doctors

Morgan Department

Morphologic Diagnosis (histopathology)

Mortality Data

Mortgage Deed

Motel Directory

Mother's Day

Motion Data

Motion Detection

Motion Detector


Motor Drive

motor driven

Motorized Damper (HVAC drawings)

Mount Desert

Mountain Dew

Mountain Division

Mountain Dr

Mouth Dissoving (medical tablet)

Movement Directive

Movement Disorders

Movies Direct

Moya Disease

Moyamoya Disease

MPH and David

MPH Daniel

MPH Director

MS Database

MS Deborah

MSPH Director

Mucosal Disease (bovine viral disease)

Mudug (postal region, Somalia)

Multi Center Double Blind

Multi Degree

Multi-Destination (Sprint)


multifunction display

Multimedia Database

Multimedia Division

multiple data

Multiple Delivery

Multiple Description

Multiple Disabilities

Multivariate Distribution

Municipal Docks Railway (of the Jacksonville Port Authority)

Munitions Dump

Murphy Deputy

Muscular Dystrophy

Music Dance

Music Department

Music Diet

Music Digest

Music Director

Musical Director

Mustang Dyno

Muy Deficiente (Spanish educational grade/mark)

Mycotic Diseases


Dang, twas looking forward to meeting y'all but, can't make it this year.


So, I just canceled my room at the Oberlin Inn, if you needed one.


C ya next year hopefully.



Thanks, as I was confused. Seeing as the title of this thread is Safe trip to MD.... I made the assumption that it was referring to a trip to MD, which is the US Postal code for Maryland, which is about 20 Miles from my home, so I thought some people would be riding nearby and I would have liked to say HI in person.


Your response cleared up my confusion.


A QUICK search of the Internet found 404 terms that are abbreviated as MD.


NOTE: I could find only two terms that have the word maintenance in them, Maintenance Diagnostic and Maintenance Drop. I could only find six terms that have the word day in them, Man-Day, Meadow Day, Mega Day, Memorial Day, Meridian Day and Mother's Day.


Here is the complete list:


Air Madagascar (IATA airline code)

Duration Magnitude (US Geological Survey; used to compute earthquake size based on shake time)

Machine Dependent

Machine Direction

Machinery Damage (insurance)

Macular Degeneration

Macular Dystrophy

Mad Doctor

Madhuri Dixit (Indian actress)

Magazine Dr

Magdeburg (German license plate code)

Magic Dragon

Magical Drop (SNK game)

Magistratsdirektion (German: municipality directorate)

Magma Design

Magnetic Data

Magnetic Detection

Magnetic Disk

Magnetic Drive

Magnum Dynalab

Mahler Das

Mail David

Mail Delivery

Mail Department

Mail Destination

Mail Drop


Main Deck

Main Droite (accoridion, right hand side)

Maintainability Demonstration

Maintenance Diagnostic

Maintenance Drop

Major Depression

Make a Donation

Make Directory (MS-DOS command)

Makers Database

Making a Donation

Malfunction Detection

Malin Dollinger

Mallard Dr

Mammalian Development

Management Data

Management Date

Management Department

Management Development

Management Directive

Management Directives

Management Division

Management Domain

Management of Disseminated

Managerial Development

Managing Director

Managing diversity

Mandarina Duck

Mandatory (band)

Mandatory Death (band)


Mando Diao (band)

Manic Depression

Manipulative Deception

Manning Document

Manpower Development

Manual Dexterity

Manual Direct

Manual doc

Manufacture Discontinued (AT&T)

Manufacturer Defined

Manufacturing Development

Map and Directions

Map and Driving


Maps and Directions

Marcel Dekker

Marek's Disease (chicken virus)

Marina Drive

Maritime Defense

Maritime Division

Mark A Davis

Mark Danney

Mark David

Mark Davis

Mark Dershwitz

Mark Dickson

Mark Dougherty

Market Development

Marketing Department

Marketing Director

Marlene Dietrich

Marriage Data

Marriage Divorce

Marrow Donors

Marshalled Deployability

Martian Dust

Martin Dawes

Martin DDS

Martin Donna

Martin Drive

Maryland (US postal abbreviation)

Maryland and Delaware

Maryland Daniel

Maryland David

Maryland December

Maryland Delaware

Maryland Democracy

Maryland Department

Maryland Dept

Maryland Dispatch

Maryland District

Maryland DNR

Maryland Donald

Maryland Douglas

Maryland Downtown

Maryland Dr

Maryland Only Dedicated

Mason Dixon

Mason-Dixon (Civil War era boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland)

Mass David

Mass Destruction

Mass Driver (Gundam seed anime)

Massachusetts Department

Massachusetts Dr

Master Developer

Master Directory

Master Document

Master of Disaster

Master's Degree

Material Defender (Descent game series)

Materials Development

Materials Directorate

Materials Disposition

Materials Division (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

Materiel Developer

Materiel Development

Mathematics Department

Mathematics Durham

Matrix Diagram (Sprint - Quality)

Matt Damon (actor)

Matthew Davis

Matthias D

Mauritius Dr

Maxim Dallas

Maximum Demand

Maxwell Donald

McAuley Drive

McCormick Dr


McCulloch David

McD Douglas


Mcdonell Douglas

Mcdonnel Douglas



Meadow Day

Mean Deviation

Mean Diffusivity

Mean Downtime

Measurable Development (Sterling Performance Corporation)

Measured Depth (oil and gas)

Measurement Difference

Measurements Division

Mechanized Division

Media Directory


Mediation Device

Medical and Dental

Medical Defense

Medical Degree

Medical Dental

Medical Department

Medical Design

Medical Device

Medical Diagnosis

Medical Dictionary

Medical Director

Medical Directors

Medical Directory

Medical Division

Medical Doctor

Medical Doctors

Medical Drive

Medicinae Doctor (Doctor of Medicine)

Medicine and Dentistry

Medicine and Dept

Medicine and Dermatology

Medicine and Director

Medicine at Duke

Medicine Daniel

Medicine David

Medicine Davis

Medicine Deborah

Medicine Degrees

Medicine Dennis

Medicine Dentistry

Medicine Denver

Medicine Departments

Medicine Dept

Medicine Dermatology

Medicine Diplomate

Medicine Director

Medicine Division

Medicine Doctor

Medicine Donald

Medicine Douglas

Medicine Dr

Medicine in Denver

Meet our Doctors

Meet the Doctors

Meeting Details

Mega Day

Mega Drive (Sega)

Megadeth (band)

Member Defense

Member Directory

Member Donald

Members Daniel

Members David

Members Donald

Membership David

Membership Directory

Membrane Distillation

Memorial Day

Memorial Drive

Memphis District

Men Division


Mendoza (Argentina province, airline code)

Meningococcal Disease

Mentally Deficient

Mentor David

Meridian Day

Merriam Webster Dictionary

Message Digest

Messages for December

Messenger Discovery

Metabolic Diseases

Metabolic Disorders

Metabolism and Diabetes

Metadata Database

Metal Detector

Metal Detectors

Meter Dash

Meter Dose (inhaler devices)

Methamphetamine Drug

Method Development

Methodology Deliverable

Methods Development


Metropolitan Dairies

Metropolitan District (UK)

Mexico Default

Miami Dade

Miami Department

Miami Dept

Miami-Dade (Miami-Dade County, Fl)

Michael David

Michael DeBakey

Michael DI

Michael Donnelly

Michael Douglas

Michael Doyle

Michael DPM

Michael Dunn

Michigan Departments

Michigan Donald

Microarray Data


Microphone Doctor

Microsoft Download

Microwave Denitrification

Microwave Drying

Mid Atlantic DE

Middle Danish

Middle District

Middle Dutch

Middletown Delaware

Mighty Dog (dog food)

Mike Duncan

Miles Davis

Milestone Decision

Military Departments

Military Disasters

Military District

Military Division

Mill Desk (Home Depot)

Millennium Declaration

Miller Donald

Miller Draft

Millidarcy (measure of permeability)

Million Dead (band)

Mine Disc (gaming)

Mine Disposal

Mini Disc

Mini Disk

Minimum Distance (algorithm)

Ministria e Drejtësisë (Ministry of Justice, Albania)

Minnesota Dakota

Minnesota Department

Minnesota Distance

Minnesota Duluth

Minor Defect

Minor Dings

Minute Disc

Missile Defense

Missing Data (statistics)

Mission Data

Mission Director

Mission Duration

Missionary Department


Mister Donut (restaurant)

Mitchell David


MN Director

Mnemonic Debugger (firmware-level diagnostic environment used in Apollo Computers)


Mode (DSC)

Model Design

Modeling Division

Modem Digital

Modem Driver

Modem Drivers

Moderator Detritiation

Modern Drummer (magazine)

Modernization Division (Forecast Systems Laboratory, NOAA)

Modificador Directo (Spanish grammar)

Modified Dec

Modulation Depth

Module Designer (gaming)

Mogen David (wine)

Moldova (ISO country identifier)

Molecular Devices

Molecular Diagnostics

Molecular Dynamics

Momo Design

Monday December

Mongiardo D

Monochrome Display

Monocular Deprivation

Monroe Davis

Montana Dr

Montgomery Dr

Monthly Digest

Months After Date

Montrose Drive

Mood Disorders

Moore Dennis

More Doctors

Morgan Department

Morphologic Diagnosis (histopathology)

Mortality Data

Mortgage Deed

Motel Directory

Mother's Day

Motion Data

Motion Detection

Motion Detector


Motor Drive

motor driven

Motorized Damper (HVAC drawings)

Mount Desert

Mountain Dew

Mountain Division

Mountain Dr

Mouth Dissoving (medical tablet)

Movement Directive

Movement Disorders

Movies Direct

Moya Disease

Moyamoya Disease

MPH and David

MPH Daniel

MPH Director

MS Database

MS Deborah

MSPH Director

Mucosal Disease (bovine viral disease)

Mudug (postal region, Somalia)

Multi Center Double Blind

Multi Degree

Multi-Destination (Sprint)


multifunction display

Multimedia Database

Multimedia Division

multiple data

Multiple Delivery

Multiple Description

Multiple Disabilities

Multivariate Distribution

Municipal Docks Railway (of the Jacksonville Port Authority)

Munitions Dump

Murphy Deputy

Muscular Dystrophy

Music Dance

Music Department

Music Diet

Music Digest

Music Director

Musical Director

Mustang Dyno

Muy Deficiente (Spanish educational grade/mark)

Mycotic Diseases



Good Grief....get out of the house man and take a ride!!!!!!!!!:scorched:

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