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Ok, this has happened to me twice and now I'm at a loss as to what to do.. Allow me to describe the issue and hopefully someone can come up with a viable suggestion.


On two occasions, I've basically run out of fuel, without a low fuel light, with the petcock in the RUN position (long end of lever DOWN). When the bike started to chug chug as it does when hitting the reserve levels, turning the petcock to RES (long end of lever vertically UP), the engine cough sputters and dies. The fuel quantity gauge shows 2 or 3 bars..


On both occasions, I've put a measured amount of fuel into the gas tank and refilled at the nearest gas station to a total amount of roughly 16L.. which means, the gas tank had more than it's Reserve Fuel quantity still in it, but unavailable! Whoa.. what gives? Books says it's a 22.5 litre tank with a 3.5 reserve.. so when I hit reserve, I should be at the 19 litre mark, right?


In another thread, it was suggested to remove the petcock and check see if the system was working properly.. Unfortunately I haven't the location to start pulling such parts off the bike.. But I was able to perform a quick trouble shooting test.. but with unfamiliar results.


The problem encountered would suggest that when I get to the reserve fuel amount, turning the petcock to RES results in fuel NOT making it to the engine and starving the engine of fuel.. Ahh OK.. so lets do a quick test here.. The fuel tank is FULL at this point..


My assumption is that there might be a problem with the RES fuel feed at the petcock but not fully understanding how it works nor having a proper diagram/drawing of what it looks like, I am assuming that there is something blocking the fuel feed when the petcock is in the RES position..


However, with a full tank of gas, when I put the petcock to RES with the fuel line disconnected, I observe a full stream of fuel passing through the petcock indicating to me that there is no blockage... Unless perhaps the system permits fuel from a FULL tank of gas to by pass a blocked RES feed path at the petcock (dunno if this makes sense the way I am explaining it)


Am I doing this wrong whereas I really need to empty the tank with the petcock turn to the ON position, and then turn the petcock to see if there is a blockage?


Dang I wish I had a garage to play in..


I was watching this on another thread you had going.

You are really going to have to take the valve out and see what has it stopped up. I'm not sure just how the RSV valve is constructed but I assume there are two tubes on the valve inside the tank and one is much longer(maybe and inch or two) than the other. The shorter one would be the reserve.

I got to believe the shorter one is plugged up with something.

You need to take the tank off and drain it of gas and then take the valve out and see whats happening with it.

There's a chance you could take the gas cap off and blow back-wards into the tank and try to dislodge whatever has it plugged up. Just a few pounds of pressure and the valve in the reserve (straight up) position. This may get the valve open but whatever has it stopped up will still be in the tank.

Good Luck,



Typical fuel valve has 2 openings into the tank. One is just an opening at the top of the valve body and the other has a periscope on it. RES setting on the selector opens the lower outlet.


Not sure about the RSV, but on many fuel cocks, RES also leaves the periscoped hole open too.


Since the RES opening is at the bottom of the tank any crud ends up there first.


If you want to test it without pulling it out - set to RUN and drain the tank. Then switch to RES and see if fuel flows.

  BOO said:
I was watching this on another thread you had going.

You are really going to have to take the valve out and see what has it stopped up. I'm not sure just how the RSV valve is constructed but I assume there are two tubes on the valve inside the tank and one is much longer(maybe and inch or two) than the other. The shorter one would be the reserve.


I got to believe the shorter one is plugged up with something.


You need to take the tank off and drain it of gas and then take the valve out and see whats happening with it.


There's a chance you could take the gas cap off and blow back-wards into the tank and try to dislodge whatever has it plugged up. Just a few pounds of pressure and the valve in the reserve (straight up) position. This may get the valve open but whatever has it stopped up will still be in the tank.


Good Luck,




Thanks to both respondents, I should have thought of that on my own but being tired and befuddled by a second occurrence of the problem I didn't think of draining the fuel out to that level.. (der!)




Somplace around the filler cap, is a Vent Hose. Remove the hose, from the short pipe exiting the tank. There is a brass fitting inserted in the pipe, It has a very small hole going thru it. Make sure this hole is Clear.


I think you have some more problems, but check this anyway.


Another thing worth trying, is with low amount of fuel in tank, put in some HEET, and run to burn out Moisture in the tank.


And remove hose, from petcock, install a length of rubber hose and completly drain tank with HEET added. Flush it a few times.


I'm also, suspecting some dirt or Crud Blockage INSIDE of the Valve Assembly Itself.

Posted (edited)

You haven't said what model bike you have, but the suggestions are spot on so far. You might want to remove the tank, shake it good, and turn it upside down and drain it thru the filler opening.


here's a schematic from bikebandit.com of what the petcock looks like, #22.



Edited by RandyR
  RandyR said:
You haven't said what model bike you have, but the suggestions are spot on so far. You might want to remove the tank, shake it good, and turn it upside down and drain it thru the filler opening.


here's a schematic from bikebandit.com of what the petcock looks like, #22.




Many thanks, according to what I see on the image, it looks possible for the RES tube to be clogged and not allow a feed of fuel..


The bike is a 2006 Midnight Special..


Although another kerniption is amiss as the the low fuel light doesn't engage before I hit reserve.. What might be the cause of that, I wonder.. This light is supposed to come on before hitting reserve fuel, no?


Thanks to all for your comments and help.. it is much appreciated.

  RedRider said:
You're still under warranty. Take it in to the dealer and let them fix it. Good Luck.




I wish, it was a used US bike bought in Canada thus null warranty.. sucks eh? but got it at a superb price, no worries


I've never been in the tank on this bike, but on the schematic it looks like #47 is the fuel float .. 47: SENDER UNIT ASSY, FU


with an empty tank one may be able to loop/hook around the float and raise and lower it for testing purposes.


My low fuel light works about 10 miles into the reserve.


I agree with draining the fuel into a gas can on "RUN", once it stops, switch it to "RES" and see if more flows out,


Also, just asking, are you sure you turned it the full 180 degress"RES" and not 90 degrees to "OFF"?

  Seaking said:
Many thanks, according to what I see on the image, it looks possible for the RES tube to be clogged and not allow a feed of fuel..


The bike is a 2006 Midnight Special..


Although another kerniption is amiss as the the low fuel light doesn't engage before I hit reserve.. What might be the cause of that, I wonder.. This light is supposed to come on before hitting reserve fuel, no?


Thanks to all for your comments and help.. it is much appreciated.


Yah to that. My fuel light comes on dim at first before going to reserve. then about the time it starts sputtering it's on bright.

  flb_78 said:
My low fuel light works about 10 miles into the reserve.


I agree with draining the fuel into a gas can on "RUN", once it stops, switch it to "RES" and see if more flows out,


Also, just asking, are you sure you turned it the full 180 degress"RES" and not 90 degrees to "OFF"?


I'll be working on it later this morning and will try the fuel float jiggle to see if it works.. Funny enough though, when you turn on your ignition, would this light not turn on as a test like you would see all your warning lights in your car for example.. in my Honda, when I start the car, all warning and advisory lights come on momentarily to let me know the bulbs aren't burnt out.. When I do this with the bike, I never see the low fuel light come on..




BTW, yes, the petcock lever is indeed ALL the way up and over past the OFF position.. vertically UP and DOWN positions for ON and RES.. A common mistake people make and I had others check that for me to ensure I wasn't just making a silly mistake on my part allowing me to run out of gas on the side of the road .. I'll send back a shout what I find out when my drain tests..


Thanks all.

  RandyR said:
I've never been in the tank on this bike, but on the schematic it looks like #47 is the fuel float .. 47: SENDER UNIT ASSY, FU


with an empty tank one may be able to loop/hook around the float and raise and lower it for testing purposes.


Thanks, I'll give it a try.. however, when sitting on the bike looking down at the tank, where abouts is this float located? I'd hate to be prodding around inside a fuel tank risking breaking something more lol..




(When you start your bike, turn ignition switch to the on position, do you see your fuel low light come on momentarily?)


Only lights I get when I first turn on the key is an orange engine light in the left window and the green neutral light in the right window.


  Seaking said:
Thanks, I'll give it a try.. however, when sitting on the bike looking down at the tank, where abouts is this float located? I'd hate to be prodding around inside a fuel tank risking breaking something more lol..



I should have looked into mine before writing the above. Although it looks possible from the schematic, when I actually just looked into my tank with a flashlight, the filler neck prevents any visual and most probing.

  RandyR said:
  Seaking said:
Thanks, I'll give it a try.. however, when sitting on the bike looking down at the tank, where abouts is this float located? I'd hate to be prodding around inside a fuel tank risking breaking something more lol..



I should have looked into mine before writing the above. Although it looks possible from the schematic, when I actually just looked into my tank with a flashlight, the filler neck prevents any visual and most probing.


I was going to do the drain ON and RES test this morning but the 40 mph winds prevent that lol.. I am going to have to wait after I'm done working on thursday to do all this.. filters, plugs, audio fix and now fuel issues.. get it all done in one shot.. sigh..


Prob is that the bike is my only mode of transport right now until the end of the week..


Thinking about this "opportunity" while on my ride Sunday, I switched my valve to reserve and rode for a couple of miles, to see if it could be stopped up. It ran fine, so I switched back to "on" and rode on to the MS, AL, TN M&E. I knew we were gonna pull the tank to check the air filter, so I purposely ran it low on gas. Well while Taz was doing the carb sync on my bike it ran out of gas. When I switched to "RES", nothing. We put about a 1/2 gallon in the tank and I rode to fill up. It took 4.4 gallons to top it off, so I must have really been out. I'm going to pull the petcock to see just what is happening. BTW this is the first time I have run it THAT low. I have been using my trip meter and filling up between 150 and 160 miles. Never a problem so far.

  wes0778 said:
Thinking about this "opportunity" while on my ride Sunday, I switched my valve to reserve and rode for a couple of miles, to see if it could be stopped up. It ran fine, so I switched back to "on" and rode on to the MS, AL, TN M&E. I knew we were gonna pull the tank to check the air filter, so I purposely ran it low on gas. Well while Taz was doing the carb sync on my bike it ran out of gas. When I switched to "RES", nothing. We put about a 1/2 gallon in the tank and I rode to fill up. It took 4.4 gallons to top it off, so I must have really been out. I'm going to pull the petcock to see just what is happening. BTW this is the first time I have run it THAT low. I have been using my trip meter and filling up between 150 and 160 miles. Never a problem so far.


Silly question perhaps but why pull the tank to check the air filters?


I typically hit reserve (though no longer able to access the reserve fuel) at around 160 miles indicated on the trip odo.


Thursday will be the day I am able to tackle this and many other tasks on the bike and find out just what the heck is going on with this fuel issue.. It's not a show stopper as I would only need to make sure I refuel earlier than normal thus shortening my useful range on the bike between fuel stops..

  Seaking said:
Silly question perhaps but why pull the tank to check the air filters?



On my '98 Tour Classic, the single air filter is in an air box under the tank. yeah PITA!!! :headache:

  GeorgeS said:
Does it run better after the Sync'ing proceedure ??


And run some Sea-Foam for a couple of tanks if not done as yet.



Runs MUCH smoother :thumbsup2:up to about 65mph where a vibration starts. Not as pronounced as before the sync, but there. After the 170 mile ride home, mostly non-stop 4-lane, I noticed it popping and "gurgling" on deceleration. It has almost never done that. When I pulled up in my driveway I noticed it was idling funny. But me being "brain dead" after a 14-1/2 hour day, I was not in the mood to investigate. That is on the menu for tomorrow...


BTW I've run at least 3 cans of Seafoam through it in the 3 month/3000+ miles I've had the bike.


Take a plug Reading-- See what they look like


Might point to a sick Ignition coil.


Might be a sick plug.


Time to check carefully for Intake manifold Vaccume leaks. Especially the clamps under each Carb.

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