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Just in case anyone was wondering if this could be done, Yes you can put other HD pipes on your RSV once you put the "adapter" brackets on. I bought my 2000 RSV used, in 2005. It had BUB slip-ons on it at the time. The chrome on the end caps had deteriorated to the point where they needed to be replaced. However, I did not want to pay the $200 that new end caps were going to cost. Plus, they were too loud for me (I think the previous owner removed the baffles). I then bought the HD muffler brackets sold on VR, and put on a set of drilled out RK mufflers. I liked them, but was looking for just a little more sound. Recently, I got a set of brand new HD touring BUB slip-ons off EBAY for $80 (Yes, $80!), and they fit right on the "adapter" brackets. They're still pretty loud, though, so I don't know if I'll keep them. If I decide to sell them, I'll post 'em here first to see if anybody wants them. If not, I'll put 'em back on EBAY. Anway, just in case anyone was wondering...

Just in case anyone was wondering if this could be done, Yes you can put other HD pipes on your RSV once you put the "adapter" brackets on. I bought my 2000 RSV used, in 2005. It had BUB slip-ons on it at the time. The chrome on the end caps had deteriorated to the point where they needed to be replaced. However, I did not want to pay the $200 that new end caps were going to cost. Plus, they were too loud for me (I think the previous owner removed the baffles). I then bought the HD muffler brackets sold on VR, and put on a set of drilled out RK mufflers. I liked them, but was looking for just a little more sound. Recently, I got a set of brand new HD touring BUB slip-ons off EBAY for $80 (Yes, $80!), and they fit right on the "adapter" brackets. They're still pretty loud, though, so I don't know if I'll keep them. If I decide to sell them, I'll post 'em here first to see if anybody wants them. If not, I'll put 'em back on EBAY. Anway, just in case anyone was wondering...


Those brackets came with the Screamin Eagle slipons I bought for my 06 Midnight.. nice sound to them.. Reinharts next maybe? I love the sounds they make on a 'Glide.. dunno what they would sound like on a V4 though..

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