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Got off work a little early to get ready for tomorrow. We have had so much rain you can watch my grass grow. Since I am not supposed to do any yard work for at least three weeks, I mowed again this afternoon. Got some other pressing things done and then went for a beautiful ride. It was about 72º and very clear. The mountains are soooo green.

I am so anxious about getting this over with. The cataract in my left eye was not noticable until a couple of months ago. Now it is like looking thru Saran wrap, just like I have a thick film over that eye.

I was originally scheduled for June 24th, which was a bit close to the Asheville event, but I lucked out when someone cancelled and I was able to move it up. I am so looking forward to being able to have clear vision again. And it will make it so much better riding at night as now any headlights amost blind me.



you will be amazed at how easy and quick the cataract surgery is, I had both eyes done about 3 years ago and it was a very easy procedure. You will have great eyesight almost immediately after the sugery and you wont feel or see anything, in fact I didnt even have to take a tylenol or any pain killer afterward.

You may take some time getting your night vision back however, mine took almost a year to get most of the starbursting gone.


Enjoy the clear and brighter world tomorrow!




all the best and we will be thinking of you.


glad you are getting it done.


let us know how you make out.


speedy recovery buddy.


cheers, Scott


Hey Randy,

Both Jean and I hope that your surgery goes well for ya' tomorrow. What a pleasure it will be to see clearly again, I'm sure.

It's a good thing you stopped doin' what you were doin'..........BEFORE you went Blind!!




Earl and Jean


Good luck Randy,hope all goes well.I hope we all still look good to ya once you can see us better.

See ya in Asheville!


Good luck Randy. Glad to "see" you've "scraped" by the last couple of months. Can't believe that stuff grows that quick! Take it easy for the next couple of days, no wheelies on the bike!




Good luck Randy

I pray all goes well and you are back in the saddle again enjoying life soon.:thumbsup2:




I had my left eye done a couple years ago. Everything went so well that I can't remember anything except wear a patch for a couple days and don't rub it.


I hope your surgery goes as well as mine did :thumbsup:


My Dad had that done also he was surprised how much better his viwins was and how painles it was .


you will be back mowing the yard soon enough Randy. :rain2:


Well Randy,

Today,, is tomorrow,,and I for one am wondering how your eye surgery went my friend?

Sure hope you did alright.


they most likely have you all bandaged up and you cant even read this posting.....:rotf:


First of all, I want to thank everyone for your kind and supporting words.

As several have said, it was pretty easy and I am having virtually no discomfort. I do feel a minor irritation that I believe is the stitch.

Even though my eye is still a bit dilated, my vision in that eye has improved tremendously. Now I am noticing the film over my right eye that I was not noticing as much before as the left one is now so clear. I will be putting the right one on the schedule for later this year and I hope it does not do like the left one did and change so much so quickly.

Anyway, great day and thanks again everyone. And yes, I am really looking forward to SEEING everyone at Asheville!! :thumbsup2:


Don't worry about the grass - I know where you live and have a mower !!


Steve N


Thanks Steve and I don't have any muddy sand around my yard. :ignore:

I had my follow up this morning and when I got up, my focus was not as clear as yesterday. My exam showed that my eye pressure was up considerably and had a little infection. The doctor drained fluid out of my eye twice and that helped tremendously. She also gave me some drops that we hope will keep the pressure down. I gave her the signoff sheet for me to be released to go back to work Tuesday and she said no, I want to see you again Tuesday.

So, we will see how this progresses.

Again, thanks everyone.



Had it done in both eyes. Walk in and 1/2 hr walk out, no pain. I found I have to wear sunglasses a lot because everything is so bright, also the deer population seems to have doubled at night.

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