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went for a 400 km ride about 7 hrs on sunday I must have passed 100 or more harlys going the other way and every last one of them waved some even before i waved at them :lightbulb:


They were probably former Venture owners. You meet the nicest people on a Venture!!:happy34:


....lost another one to the darkside...


For the most part Riders wave at each other here regardless of what they are riding. There are exceptions to that; and yes those exceptions are mostly the Harley and BMW riders. It don't matter to me if they wave back or not.....I'm comfortable with being the first to offer the Brotherhood wave to any Rider I see.



Boomer......who's friendly to all except when they start drooling over my sippin whiskey and girlie mags.:buttkick:


It runs in spurts. I generally always wave, even if I don't look to see that I am waved at. Sometimes I will meet several where it is obvious I am not acknowleged and I will tell myself to just quit waving and then the next several bikes will give an obvious wave.

I guess the time it is irritating is when a biker pulls up beside you when stopped and will not even look over at you. Sometimes that is when I leave him by himself.



When someone doesn't wave back, I figure it's because their riding skills haven't advanced to the point where they can take one hand off of the bars.


I've always found waving to be an interesting point of this hobby, or sport or lifestyle or what ever you want to call it... and I think how you look at riding is how or why people wave...


My wife and I were behind a guy and his girl a few weeks ago, and they were in this little bitty old triumph car... It must have been small british car day, because as we were behind them, they passed about 5 or 6 other small british cars going the other way... Interesting.... the all waved at each other... I guess people like to look for that one thing that makes a common bond between them, and acknowledge it...


Back when everyone was riding horses, di only the car drivers wave at each other? I mean, you don't see all car drivers waving at each other, so did all horse riders? I doubt it.. it seems to be the ones that do things different and are the minority only wave...


Seems for people that their main way of traveling is on motorcycle tend not to wave.. usually BMW people it seems.. at least in this area... they are the ones that seem to ride a bike everywhere, and even in the rain and yes, I've seen snow..


Then you got the weekend HD guys.. they always have to wave with a peace sign, and I've heard people say that's because they ride a V, and they are proud of that.. OK.. what ever..


Then you get the people that damn near break their arms trying to make sure you see them wave....


Ya know... at times, I get tired of worrying if I should wave or not... I just wanna ride, and I may not even notice someone else on a bike... they are just another person on the road like me...


Not sure if any of you know who Mordeth is, but this guy is funny... Here's his take on waving... I love his HD to sport bike rider wave... LOL


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqykEhOIaRk]YouTube - BIKER WAVES[/ame]


Around here, the majority of all bikers wave. Hell, around here, everyone waves at everyone anyway...cage or bike. When I first moved down here, people would wave at me(in the cage), and I would look to see if I knew them or something, as I wasn't used to that. I learned that people are generally friendlier in the South. When overtaking another bike, I just generally look them in the eye and nod.


There are a few that don't wave, but I don't know their reason, so I don't dwell on it. I just continue on, and enjoy the ride.


i try to wave at everybody and if they dont wave back oh well one day they will pull that stick out of there A&$ and see that it doesnt hurt to be nice


Down here in and around the Dallas/Ft Worth metroplex, I must appear really young when riding my bike, everyone is showing me how old I am. I always reciprocate. Lots of nice folks around here.


I used to work for a company that had a plant in Sneedville, TN and that is in the middle of nowhere. I would spend one day every other week there and when driving around in a cage, everybody waves at you. It might be a real nice looking woman in an old pick up truck, but she will give you a BIG wave. Anybody standing in their yard will throw up their hand at you. Now, if they did not like the way you looked at them, they may pull a gun out of their pocket, but they would wave at you.


For the most part Riders wave at each other here regardless of what they are riding. There are exceptions to that; and yes those exceptions are mostly the Harley and BMW riders. It don't matter to me if they wave back or not.....I'm comfortable with being the first to offer the Brotherhood wave to any Rider I see.



Boomer......who's friendly to all except when they start drooling over my sippin whiskey and girlie mags.:buttkick:



Yep, Its about time this "Change Kicked in":7_2_104[1]::Venture:

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