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Well I need some information. A friend has a RSV and four sets of pipes. A set of Wild Pigs which is on the load side, a set of stock pipes that are on the quite side. Two set of what we believe are Harley pipes that are shaped similar to the stock RSV pipes. One set has HAR FLT 1584 and the other set has HAR FLT 1584/1688 stamped on them. We want to hear how they sound but are concerned with how they are made. Both sets look identical. On both sets looking down the right hand pipes from the rear you can see a piece of metal that tapers off to one side down near the center or the pipe. No problem looks like the exhaust can exit unrestricted. The left had pipes you can not see through. At about the same position as the right pipes it looks like four courners have been folded in to close off the pipe. Between this "plug" and the exhaust end of the pipe is some holes for the exhaust gases to exit the pipe. I do not know why they are different but my concern is that the left side back pressure will be different from the right side back pressure and whether or not that if the two sides back pressures are different will that hurt the bike or it's performance.



Duck, I've been looking at the BUB slip-on for my '07 RSV and have a request in to the manufacturer concerning adjustments or alterations to the carbeuration. Were you able to get an answer to your question? Thanks, Bill Hollaway


I've gotten a couple of things to look for. Some say it sounds like it may have a catalytic converter in it (some say it is alright to run it that way and some say no) and one suggestion is that it might be a dummy muffler used for looks on a 2 to 1 system. The numbers I'm told indicate the engine size of the motor it came off of. :confused24:

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