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Idea for Maintenance Day


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.....Hey, I want some of Lonna's cheescake too. Can't make Don's, but maybe one of you would volunteer to save me a piece and bring it to "The Hub" when you come? Who could we trust to do that???



NO ONE.......That piece of cheesecake would not make it out of Ohio...:rotfl::rotfl:

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I know a good way to raise some bucks,have Big Tom bring his thongs and Beer 30 can bring his colection and we have a auction.

The high bidder won't have to see them model the thongs.:rotfl:

The rest of us might be blind for life after this. :256:

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I know a good way to raise some bucks,have Big Tom bring his thongs and Beer 30 can bring his colection and we have a auction.


hey u mite be on to an idea here;;;


if everyone brings something....it could be anything, a joke, something useful, something not so useful, something new, something used,a thong, a bike part, a tshirt, a hat, a pin,lottery tickets from different states, anything you can come up with!!

and then we have a little auction......of course we have to have somebody play auctioneer....like Big Tom would be good:whistling: and I here and now nominate him for the job!!!


all proceeds raised from the auctioned items are then added to the CAN to help cover dons costs of MD......of course this doesnt take the place of the donations we usually drop in the can for our meal, so we would still do that.....this would just be some extra $$$ for the pot !



noone would even have to know who brought what or who brought anything.......we just drop our special items in a designated box.....and then saturday afternoon we have some fun with this.

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