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Driver painting nails kills biker at stoplight.


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Thanks for keeping us up on this one. I too hope for a 5 yr sentence, but it probably will be probation. Guess we'll all find out in June.

That other accident (bkuhr posted) where the guy hit the bikers and killed 2 and got a not guilty is nuts. I'd love to know what the juror's were thinking in that one. Guess they never lost a loved one on a bike to an idiot in a cage.



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I'm afraid, she only got 18 months and it's not even 24 hours a day.


"In the end, the judge took a middle path in Hunt's sentencing. For 18 months, she will spend nights at the Lake County Jail, and will be free to work, perform community service, and receive counseling during the day."


I suppose it's better than nothing, but it's still short of what she deserves. At least she has to spend nights in a cold, lonely cell away from her family.


Your heart breaks when you read her son's words, he was writing his wedding vows while also writing about the loss of his mom.



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