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Teamspeak Server


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I have created a Teamspeak server just for Venturerider members.


It's like chat, only you speak instead of typing. It works great, and as many people can be on it as I allow at one time. Great for getting on and just shooting the bull.


You can get it at www.teamspeak.com .

You'll want to download the client, not the server.

You will need either a headset with microphone, or a microphone with speakers.

It is completely free.

If you download it, and need help setting it up, just PM me, or catch me in the chat room, and I will talk you through it.


My IP is monty.servegame.org

the port is 8767

no password for now.

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I put together a basic tutorial to get you connected after you download and install.



when you open it up, you will see this page...



Click on 'connect'.


Then you will see this page...



Click on 'add server, and then name it ventureriders.


Then, set the next page up as I have it here, with your name instead of mine, and hit connect...


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I have had it down all day, but putting it back up now. Any interest besides Yama Mama?

C'mon guys, this is a great program. We can all sit and talk as if we were on a conference call...for free! It is great fun.

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I'm interested, Monty, and will check it out in detail, just as soon as possible. Thanks for finding it and getting it set up. I might suggest that you pick a day and time for a get-together and see who shows up, then consider doing it again at some consistent interval. Sometimes it takes a while for folks to warm up to something new...



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Copy that. I will try to make the screenies bigger like you asked. You did click on them to enlarge them, right?


I will usually have it up at night, as I am not here to fix anything if it has trouble during the day.

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Here are some bigger pics...





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Yo. I tryed to get people to use my Ts2 server but they couldn't figure out how to use it. I will check in tonite. Good job. This can be used for alot of stuff. Even from on the road, I think.:happy34:




PS: Could NOT connect...... Try again later tonite.

Edited by ddoggma
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Cool, the kid and I used both Teamspeak and Ventrilo when we played WOW, (World of Warcraft). If I remember right it seamed as though we had better luck with Ventrilo. Don't remember for sure. I'll have to see where I stuck my mic later.

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Ok, it's up.

I switched it over to one of my desktops, and it can stay up all of the time now.


I have both Teamspeak and Ventrilo. The sound quality seems better with TS, and it uses less system resources than Ventrilo does.



Looking forward to hearing from all of you!





For those who don't know...AFK=Away From Keyboard.

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The one I have up has the name of the gaming clan I used to be in. "Silicon Solders Temp" As it was a backup to the one we mainly used. Its been up for years, test it for me if you can. And I PMed you guys a user and Password to try also. Lately its been acting up....sis couldn't connect last couple times we tryed to use it.



myTs2 IP is: If any of you use "Xfire" let me know. I have that too. It makes Ts2 hooking up easyer if you have if.

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