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Can someone please explain how to lube the control cables on a 2008 venture? I bought a repaid manual, but it does not explain this. I am sure it must be pretty simple.

Posted (edited)

The service manual for the 2nd Generation (1999-present) says this on page 3-50 (I have paraphrased it)



The following procedure applies to all of the cable sheaths and cables.


WARNING: Damaged cable sheaths may cause the cable to corrode and interfere with its movement. Replace damaged cable sheaths and cables as soon as possible.



1. Check cable sheath. If damaged, replace.


2. Check cable operation. if unsmooth operation is detected, lubricate with engine oil or a suitable cable lubricant



Hold the cable end upright and pour a few drops of lubricant into the cable



IF you dont want gravity to move the lubricant for you, MotionPro sells a throttle cable luber




Click HERE to go to their website.




There are other untis on the market, but they look a lot like the MotionPro unit.

Edited by KiteSquid

I disassemble the throttle housing and pull my throttle cables loose from the grip end.


I've tried a few of the lubers, they are just wasted money I feel. They all turn into a mess anyway..


I take A piece of foil and double it over a couple times to make it thicker. Then I wrap it around the top of the cable housing to make like a little cup or funnel around the inner cable. I tape the bottom of the foil to the cable housing to keep it from leaking.


Then I spray in a little lube to fill the cup up a bit. I move the inner cable up and down until the oil works it's way through.


I do this at the beginning of the season. At the perscribed intervals for maint. I remove the cable, do the same cup thing with the foil, only I will use carb cleaner first to completely clean out the old oil and dirt, then after drying over night I will lube as normal. Reinstall the cables.


The Venture has 5 throttle cables. To lube them all you will have to take off the tank as well as open the twist grip. Under that tank on the left side of the frame is a black junction box where the cruise control cable ties in to the main cables. You will need to open this junction to get to the top of the cables that run to the carb linkage as well as the cruise cable. Pay particular attention to exactly how the cruise control connecting wheel fits into the main throttle wheel, as it is easy to put it back on the wrong sides of the engaging stops. In addition, be careful to get the cable housing ends properly seated in their places. I worked on one RSV where the cables got pulled hard enough that the cable housings bound up on the cables and the throttle would not return to idle from the force of the return spring alone. Opening the junction box and properly repositioning the ends of the cables fixed that. :080402gudl_prv:



I forgot some bikes, like the Venture has more than a cable from the grip to the carb or throttle body.. Man.. I sure ain't gonna enjoy lubing this bike.. but I'll still do it the same way as far as how to get the oil in the cable. Best way I've found..

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