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U.S. Marine in the family!


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I talked to my Son tonight, He's heading out to boot camp:pushups: in San Diego Ca.

on May 4. I'm so proud of him yet I'm scared as well - being a Father.

He said he wanted to go in the Marines. So I gave him my full support:happy34:. He was kinda shock that I backed him on his decision. Told him I wanted to go in when I was 18 but my football days ruin that idea - knees. So now my Son is going to serve our Country.


Sorry this is not about motorcycles, Just wanted to tell everyone how proud I am of my Son......



Buddy Father of a U.S. Marine

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Hey Buddy, My son just graduated boot camp from Paris Island and is now at Camp Lejeun for infantry trainig. Congrats it,s hard not to be proud of'em and a whole lot of respect for what they are doing. All heroes in my book. He'll come out very different: a real man focused on what overcoming any obstacle in life and a can do attitude. Go Marines!!! Good luck! Carl

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I talked to my Son tonight, He's heading out to boot camp:pushups: in San Diego Ca.

on May 4. I'm so proud of him yet I'm scared as well - being a Father.

He said he wanted to go in the Marines. So I gave him my full support:happy34:. He was kinda shock that I backed him on his decision. Told him I wanted to go in when I was 18 but my football days ruin that idea - knees. So now my Son is going to serve our Country.


Sorry this is not about motorcycles, Just wanted to tell everyone how proud I am of my Son......




Buddy Father of a U.S. Marine


Congratulations! Tell him he will be in our prayers and we support his decision as well.

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Buddy and Peg, and Carl,


Congratulations to all of you for raising fine young men. I have a soft spot in my heart for marines. I had a brother who was one many years ago.


One of my co-workers. his son just graduated from basic training this past Friday 4/17 from San Diego. My co-worker and his wife were there for his graduation. His son is home for 10 days before heading back for additional training before deployment.


Thank you for sharing your sons with our country!

Diane & Phil

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congratulations.....america still has the finest fighting force in the world...as evidenced by the recent seal's takeout of those pirates...so your son is now a part of this, of which you will be proud of

i had two sons who were in the Pa. guard ( airborne)...one served in bosnia,....... the other in ramadi.,and who received a silver star.......a third son is full time army,

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Buddy, let him know how proud we all are of him and his decission to serve. He will be in our prayers just like all his brothers in arms. I tried to enlist when I was young (LONG time ago) but I was listed as medically inelligible as well. I guess you and I would have just screwed things up. LOL

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Congadulations. Does he ride? Have him get a hold of me if he would like to ride or sight see or whatever. If he has taken the BRC with in 2 yrs he can ride on base if he has his card. If he needs the BRC it is free on base, but he needs to sign up for the class as soon a he can as there is a waiting list. I have an extra bike he can use. Rod

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Congratulations Buddy, I just retired from the Army after 25 Years, and My Son-in-law is a Chinook pilot in the Army, Between the 2 of Us we have 3 Tours to Iraq and 2 to Afghanistan. I was his recruiter and now if I was passing him I would have to salute. (that won't happen )





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Marines are special. My oldest son made his 20 years this past October. Stationed at Cherry Point. You will find that the corp is a tight outfit; they stand out in a crowd but try to be low key.


Your son is my son young man. I'm proud for you and yours; keep sending us a little something ever so often because there are enough of us that would love to keep up with him. Can't wait until you see him after basic.

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My wife is a high school counselor and she just returned from SanDiego marine base. The marine corps sent about 40 teachers for a one week tour of the marine base to witness how they are trained. They got to see the recruits returning from the crusible. She said they were all hopping and some was carrying the others. It is a 3 day hike through the dessert with only 2 meals carried with you and you get 4 hours sleep per night. She was very impressed with this base. I am sure he will leave there a man.......

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I talked to my Son tonight, He's heading out to boot camp:pushups: in San Diego Ca.

on May 4. I'm so proud of him yet I'm scared as well - being a Father.

He said he wanted to go in the Marines. So I gave him my full support:happy34:. He was kinda shock that I backed him on his decision. Told him I wanted to go in when I was 18 but my football days ruin that idea - knees. So now my Son is going to serve our Country.


Sorry this is not about motorcycles, Just wanted to tell everyone how proud I am of my Son......



Buddy Father of a U.S. Marine


You have every right to be proud! Please convey my sincere thanks to your son for serving our Country. He is leaving you as an 18 year old but before you know it he will return as a man and defender of our freedom.


Boomer....USN Retired and darn proud of it.

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