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Guest sargeb13

I'm going to update the front lighting on my RSV. The bike is currently equipped with the stock headlamp, Yamaha light bar with standard lights, and a set of PIAA aux lights mounted on the bottom of the forks. The PIAA lights were installed with a fabricated mount which has proved to be inadequate, as the lights cannot be properly adjusted/ hold adjustment. I'm considering several options:


1. Replace the aux lights with moto-lights


or these: http://www.shopatron.com/product/product_id=PIA74238/353.0


2. Swap out the existing bulbs for brighter after-market bulbs (PIAA, Silverstone, etc.); if I do this, any suggestions for specific makes and models of bulbs? What fits the Yamaha aux lights (H3?)?


3. Install an H.I.D. light and drop the aux lights altogether. What bulb replaces our headlight? Does the high-beam/low-beam H4 work in our bikes/any bikes. Any suggestions as to make and model? I'm looking at these: http://www.xtralights.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=1349


Any thoughts?


Would appreciate comments from those of you who have looked to or installled any of these options, or examinged these questions?


On Friday I purchased a replacement H4 bulb for my headlight form eAutoworks.com.


Piaa Intense White bulbs.



(Clickable image)


I am waiting for them to arrive.


Before I purchased them I called Piaa and they said they are new on the market. so new that Piaa does not yet list them on their website.


I was looking for as much light as possible without having to install relays in my lighting system, and these should do the trick!!!!!!!


The price is nice, compared to other bulbs on the market. At $46 includes ground shipping for a pair is IMHO quite reasonable.


These should be VERY BRIGHT and very white without that blingey blue cast that other lights have!!!!!


Click the image above to go to their web site.....


Oh, and they also carry Intense White H3 bulbs for $44.16 a pair, so your passing lamps color and light output will match the headlamp.........


Click HERE for the H3 bulbs.



BTW I had silverstars on a car and hated them!!!!!!!!! not enough light for the price....



HIDs are way too expensive!!!!! You can buy a lot of gas for $324.


BTW what Piaa auxiliary lights did you have installed??? are you getting rid of them?

Guest faflick

J&P cycles has the PIAA H3 white bulbs 35W=60W part 310-370 for 19.99 each and H3 bulbs white PIAA 55W=85W part 310-371 for 24.99 each. Also PIAA white H4 60/55W=110/100W part 310-372 for 42.99 each. 1-800-318-6847 that is where I got mine.



Guest faflick

I bought my PIAA Star White Bulbs from J&P Cycles 1-800-318-6847

310-370 H3, 35W=60W....19.99 each or

310-371 H3, 55W=85W....24.99 each and

310-372 H4,60/55W=110/100W...42.99 each (1)


Boy did they make a difference.






i just put a HID in my Vmax, altough it is forbidden here in Germany, i won't go back to H4. AMAZING Look, AWESOME Sight, very good Light and best Safety Device i've ever mounted.


My '93 is still waiting for the other half of the Car Set i purchased, some Service and the new Windshield which is on it's Way ... i will do at Write-Up of the Installing in the Venture.


On the Vmax, it was a pretty neat Job, 30 Minutes and i was ready to go. Only Problem was, i bought a Bi-Xenon Set and these "Bulbs" are 3/4 Inch longer on the inside, where normally the Connector sits. I needed to cut out some Recess in the Bowl of the Headlight. Nothing bad at all. I set the Beam to a lower Position as with a H4 Bulb, to avoid bedazzling oncoming Traffic. Even in this Position, i can see much more than before.


I bought a cheap Set off Ebay. There is another Thread discussing this Issue. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=11930&highlight=Xenon


I don't know about the Rules in US, but sincerly, i would drop any other Light and save the Current for other Purpose. The Set you linked above seems a bit pricey, there are cheaper Sets on Ebay. Look out for white or yellow lightcolour. 4300K is bright White, 3400 K is more yellow. The yellow Ones have some more Lightpower than the bright White and the other Colors will burn down to white during Use anyways.

  • 3 weeks later...

I just saw this thread and was wondering how the PIAA's for the headlight are working out for you. I also need a little more light at night and would rather change the headlight bulb instead of adding additional lighting. And also, is the PIAA brighter in the daytime to stand out in the traffic?


Thanks in advance


I have not done much nite time driving with them, but they are GREAT!!!!!



I do want to get with a local 2nd Gen rider with the factory bulb still inplace, and compare them side by side in a dark parking lot....on a overcast, moonless night would be prefered!!!!

  KiteSquid said:
I have not done much nite time driving with them, but they are GREAT!!!!!



I do want to get with a local 2nd Gen rider with the factory bulb still inplace, and compare them side by side in a dark parking lot....on a overcast, moonless night would be prefered!!!!

I still have the factory bulbs and would like to see the differance also. give me a call and we can meet up one evening.


KiteSquid, I placed an order with eautoworks and have not heard a word form them at all. No confirmation or anything. Paid by paypal. Thinking about canceling my order.



They were quite prompt with me....


call their customer service number.


BTW I dont know how PayPal payments go thru at the sellers end, so that may be the delay.


IIRC, I used a credit card directly...

  • 3 weeks later...

A quick question. Where are the headlight adjustments located on the second gen? Are they accessible without removing the front fairing or are they just where I can't find them.:confused24::whistling:



  Moakster said:
A quick question. Where are the headlight adjustments located on the second gen? Are they accessible without removing the front fairing or are they just where I can't find them.:confused24::whistling:



For vertical there is a large knob on the left hand side at the bottom of the faring just below the cigarette lighter. As far as the horizontal adjustment there is a large, long phillips head screw on the right side sticking out of the hole between the forks and faring at the bottom back of the faring.


Well I had a chance to use the Piaa Intesnse White H4 bubls the othere day and I like em.


I think they are well worth the $23 per bulb price.



I parked my bike next to riderduke's bike and compared his stock bulb to my Piaa bulb and the Piaa was whiter, and brighter in both the low and high beams.



I aslo compared it to my friend's stock H-D bike and I like the Piaa bulb over what his stock bulb is.


BTW this is a LOT les expensive than HID.............



Now to get a set of passing lamps or some driving lights and get the matching Intense white H3 bulbs....... It is going on my Christmas List....


I found a good price on the H4 $41 per pair and free shiping.



Which bulbs are best for the passing lamps? The Intense white H3 bulb is listed at 55W which is quite a bit highter than the stock 37w figure I have seen listed. Is this too much power for the passing lamps? If not is has a good price also. $39 with free shipping.



Also, are these bulbs direct replacements for the passing lamp and headleamp bulbs or are there modifications needed? I have the Yamaha OEM passing lamps and I though I read those were sealed beam where you replace the entire lamp? The pics of the H3 show it with a pigtail attached?


The H4 bubs drop right into the headlamp, but small hands would make it easier to install than using my meat-hooks......



I dont have a set of passing lamps.....yet.... so I dont know what bulbs fit them......

  bugfish69 said:
I found a good price on the H4 $41 per pair and free shiping.



Which bulbs are best for the passing lamps? The Intense white H3 bulb is listed at 55W which is quite a bit highter than the stock 37w figure I have seen listed. Is this too much power for the passing lamps? If not is has a good price also. $39 with free shipping.



Also, are these bulbs direct replacements for the passing lamp and headleamp bulbs or are there modifications needed? I have the Yamaha OEM passing lamps and I though I read those were sealed beam where you replace the entire lamp? The pics of the H3 show it with a pigtail attached?


I have not had good luck with the 55 watt lamp in my passing lamps. It is very bright and I get people flashing their headlights at me even in the day time. As far as the lamp being to big for the housing, I had no trouble while I was running them. I'm sure they are much warmer, so you would want to make sure that there are no wires resting up against the reflector when you put the lamps back together. For me I stick with the stock 35 watt halogen H3 lamp. I buy them at www.rallylights.com for about $3.50 each. Much cheaper than what Yamaha wants for them. I have subscribed to this thread though because I would be interested in an intense white H3 bulb in the 35 watt size. If you find one please post on this thread.


After reading some of these posts I am thinking I will upgrade the lighting on my RSV. Will I need to split the faring to change the headlight bulb? :confused24:


If you have small hands, you can probally change the bulb without opeining the fairing.


I have XXXL Meathooks, so I had to split the fairing, just to make it easyer for me....

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