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Ok Gang here is the scoop.. As most of you know I had my Bike converted

to a trike a few weeks ago. ALSO had a now triple tree installed for a 6 deg Rake.

(GLAD I DID THAT) Anyhow... I first got it back.. and was riding around town to get used to her

then I put Cruse on and it worked for about a mile or so... (kicks Off) Now more time passes I have been riding longer and farther now.

Been a Gas BTW... Now when I activated the cruise control while riding. the blue light goes on and it is

waiting. I HIT SET and it would go into it HOLD.. As of couple days it will only last a 10th of a mile or so..


Today.. Get all ready to test it again.. blue light is ready.. hit SET and Nothing. The RES/SET lights

just keep trying over and over again.. until it will shut down itself. I am thinking it had something to do with

the Rake Kit Added. I have an email sent off to the owner. I am sure he will be good for it.. nice folks.


But I just didn't want to deal with bring it there and taking the day off and waiting all day.. thought maybe

if one of you geniuses might think it could be something so simple . I talk the installer and they say they didn't remove

anything. yeah whatever. and he did check the Cruise. It worked FINE until I got it back.. This is there first install

on this Kit all went well and I am very pleased with there work , but I do not have Cruise anymore. HELP????


(bike only has 10,700 miles on it.) I also have checked both lower fairings all looks good there. I also have checked the speedo.

Also have checked all the switches as for as how they look going in and out etc.

have not checked behind the fairing yet. Gatta have somthing to do with the rakeing I bet.



Thanks for reading,



Hey Jeff,

First thing I would check is the lever switches. They could be out of adjustment enough that they will not let the cruise come on. I've had that happen. Also check the one on the foot brake too.


I Checked them But will again.. They all seem to be fully extended

when I looked and applied pressure to each switch. I know it is something

like that I bet but I am not seeing it yet.

Thanks Gary..





Do you know if they had to change out the throttle cables? If so maybe they goofed something up in the box where the cruise cable and throttle cable come together????? Just a thought. There is one of those "OH Sh*t" springs in there that can get away from you when you open it up.


They say there was no cables Changed out. matter

of fact the cable if anything are longer now, front tire

out more bars in more. make since?


MY trike will do that every once in awhile. I then adjust the air gap the speedo sensor and the gear on the drive shaft. It is a real pain in the @$$.


Cougar, my builder told me that it is real critical in how the input for the cruise is adjusted at the differential. You might have them check there. mine seems to work fine.


George, Now that is awesome news, thank you very much! I have check it all.


I just forworded your post to the owner this AM. He is a great guy and WILL

make all this good to go! It is a small hassle though. But I really think your

onto somthing. Like Darral say as well.. Same area. All the other places look

like there OK. Agian Thanks. I will post the findings when I get this taken

care of.



P.S. How are you liking it so far? myself , Loving every min. of the ride!~)

I am still picking the bugs out of my teeth!:D


George would it be possible to post your shops name

and phone number. so maybe I can talk to them?


If I can do this myself I will do it. rather than having my bike

gone for a couple days. maybe I can fix this or look into it

over the weekend. my shop can not take it until next week.


PM me post it if you can,

Also, who I should tak to?



Posted (edited)

My Dealer Is notified as well...

This is what I wrote back to

Jim at Hannigans! Being persistent helps I guess!


My Settings were at .250 NEEDS to be AT .005



Jim...... I am a very happy camper.. IT WORKED!!!! :thumbsup2:


I think that you might want to add that in your building

instructions for the Dealers... There was paint on ALL the

High spots... took the dremal with a wire wheel and cleaned

them all up nice and shinny.... then there are 3 parts on the ring

that will hit the censor.. just a tiny bit.. I saw were it made the

mark and took a small file and filed off about 1/8 inch off

the side of the round on the censor itself.. the bracket

would not go back any farther. then I took a .005 gauge

stuck it in there and held it while a tighten up the two

10mm bolts.. Took it out and all works PERFECT! thanks

so much for your help in this matter!


Let me know when I can Apply for a Job! :-)


I will pass this info off to Pete at Hatfield's as well.


Add yourself to the wall of Excellent Service so John

will not be alone! *lol*


Thank You very Much!

Jeff K. Bernard

Edited by Cougar

Now onto the next two or three projects.

Oh, my stainless steal bar turned out awesome:happy65:

from the chromers! Next Project!

will post pics when done.



Glad you got it working. I love my trike. I'm like you and can't stop smiling. If you ever need any help, give Gary a call at Dan's cycle in Seymore, IN. He knows more about Hannigans that anyone I know.





gary@danscyclesales.com gans than anyone I know.

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