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A New Stimulus Plan


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There's about 40 million people over 50 in the work force; pay them $1 million apiece severance with three stipulations:

Now I'm not 50+ (only 41 in June) but I find it scary the number of you who post that you agree with a course of action like this. ESPECIALLY those of you over 50. This is not the way you were raised...getting government handouts. Only 2 of you actually added it all up. 40 TRILLION. :eek:


They leave their jobs. Forty million job openings - Unemployment fixed.
Here's the problem with this. 50 year olds have the most experience. Who you gonna replace them with? This guy?






They buy NEW American cars. Forty million cars ordered - Auto Industry fixed.
Nothing like promoting freedom of choice. Funny coming from a forum full of Japanese bike owners. :think: Americans don't buy as many American cars for a reason and it ain't lack of patriotic duty. Forcing them to is...well...un-American. So they buy it and sell in the used market. Values plummet for both new AND used. Now what?

They either buy a house or pay off their mortgage- Housing Crisis fixed.
So they pay off their house. How does THAT help the housing "crisis"? Most are close to paying it off at that point anyway. And the interest they paying on their 30 year note is way lower than what is going towards the principal.


All National financial problems fixed!!!
Not likely. Gotta come up with 40 TRILLION...actually let's call it what is really is. 40 million million. :whistling:
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I know I'm old and my head doesn't work so good anymore but just how does 40 times 1 million add up to 40 trillion?? 40 times 1 is 40 isn't it? 2 times 1 million is 2 million isn't it?


am I missing something or do you do your math like this.....


after each item you read, cover it up and then add the next value...

































































did you get 5000 ?















add it up again!

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I know I'm old and my head doesn't work so good anymore but just how does 40 times 1 million add up to 40 trillion?? 40 times 1 is 40 isn't it? 2 times 1 million is 2 million isn't it?



I think what you missed is 40,000,000 People (50yrs+) X $1,000,000.00 = $4,000,000,000,000.00............ But the math was out of wack, from stateside too.......


:mo money::mo money::canada:

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I think what you missed is 40,000,000 People (50yrs+) X $1,000,000.00 = $4,000,000,000,000.00............ But the math was out of wack, from stateside too.......


:mo money::mo money::canada:



OH DUH!!! it ain't my brain after all... it's my EYES !!!


:rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:


or maybe it's because it's the end of the day FRIDAY and it's actually my BRAIN coz it's FRIED after a long week of INTENSE computing work.

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