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Hello all,


I have been trying to debug a cb problem on my bike but I don't have a detailed wiring diagram so I can zoom down on possible cause.


Yes.. I splitted the fairing and used dielectric grease on contacts, I didn't open all connectors just the one pertaining to the communication between the driver and the passenger. I think know which one it is because I installed a mic-mute a little while back but I may be wrong.


Is it possible that the mic-mute will cause my transmit problem?


Here is the symptom: The cb transmit rf level seems to be ok but the modulated audio is extremely weak so other people can hardly hear me. All they hear is noise and some time my voice in the background. The communication between the driver and passenger is working fine.

I think that both transmit switches (driver and passenger) are OK and that both mics are working fine because we can communicate between driver and passenger no problem.


So I am looking for some advice and also for a place where I can get detailed wiring diagram so I can follow the audio signal coming from the microphones.


The Yamaha service manual doesn't help there is no way, for example, to follow the mic wiring diagram from the helmet to the cb unit.


One last question... where can I find the schematics for my cb??


Thanks for your help


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I have the mic mute and so does Bob Dakin. On our trip to Colorado, we had no problems with the CBs so if that is the problem, it's not common. Also, as dumb as this sounds, make sure your mic is not facing the wrong direction. I've seen that MANY times.

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Hi all,


Please note that I have the same problem with both helmets, 2 different microphones.

The problem is present with the driver and with the passenger, the microphone is facing the mouth and no change has been done to the antenna.

Dielectric grease was used on connections under the seat and some connections in the fairing.


Anybody knows where I can find detailed wiring diagram as well as schematics for the venture cb??? like I mentionned before I would like to be able to trace the mic audio down to the cb and also check the cb itself.






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I to would be interested in detailed schematics of the entire motorcycle's electrical system, with part numbers for all parts....




BTW I had my fairing off the other day and I noticed that the radio is manufactured by Clarion. I did not get any model information from it while I had the bike apart. You may try getting the radio schematic from Clarion.

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