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She's headed south....


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hi brad & lonna

so sorry to hear about lonna's mom, kbay sent me a pm last night. but i could not get on the web till i got home this morning. read it then got on the site to check on update. prayers being sent for everyone. what can i do to help? is there anything i can do before lonna gets here? the texas bunch is standing by.

best reguards

don c. 832-265-6236

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hi brad & lonna

so sorry to hear about lonna's mom, kbay sent me a pm last night. but i could not get on the web till i got home this morning. read it then got on the site to check on update. prayers being sent for everyone. what can i do to help? is there anything i can do before lonna gets here? the texas bunch is standing by.

best reguards

don c. 832-265-6236



Don & Kreg,

As always thank you folks, your great friends and we appreciate all you do very much. It's a crap shoot right now, I'm working on finding Lonna a good place to stay tonight some where in Arkansas. I think she can make Little Rock area before dark.

She has your #'s and I know will be getting ahold of you, thanks again for yours and everyones concerns...we'll get it worked out I'm sure :thumbsup2: I'll keep you all updated as I hear things.

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Anyone know?


The hospital is Cy Fair, but I dont know if she is still in ICU or not. Lonna is making good time and is in Sikeston Missouri as of 10 minutes ago. Her plan is to make it to Texarkana tonight, so if anyone knows of a reasonable place to stay please give me a call. Thanks again for all the good vibes coming in, it's appreciated....more as I get it


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks everyone for the help, and a place to stay and the meals along the way!!!

Heather and I had an uneventful trip, and got into Houston with the help of Gunboat. Don...you are the best friend a person could have! And all that you, and the Texas crew have done for us is more than we could ever expect from friends!

Kreg and Janet, you two are on the same list as Don! It's the BEST list a person could ever be on! Thanks for coming over and helping out! I know...thats what friends are for! But you can't imagine how I feel having you guys (and gals) right there for me!


It was great to be able to spend some time with you, and Zues without a million other people around! Next time we will have to stay up long enough to meet Jean! And yes, I will post the pics of the "Fat Bastard" as soon as I get a few to download them!

Don, TXVenture, It was good to talk to you, and I'm glad you are feeling a little better! I will always keep you in my thoughts and prayers, in hopes that things get better for you!! Sorry I didn't got over to see you as well!

Don (Freebird), THANK YOU FOR BRINGING US ALL TOGETHER!!!!! If you had not created this, we wouldn't even know these bunch of goofballs!!! You have created something that will always be special in our live! And we are also saying prayers for you! If you need anything, please let us know! It is now our time to "pay it foreward"!!

We Love you all!!:bighug:

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Thanks everyone for the help, and a place to stay and the meals along the way!!!


Heather and I had an uneventful trip, and got into Houston with the help of Gunboat. Don...you are the best friend a person could have! And all that you, and the Texas crew have done for us is more than we could ever expect from friends!


Kreg and Janet, you two are on the same list as Don! It's the BEST list a person could ever be on! Thanks for coming over and helping out! I know...thats what friends are for! But you can't imagine how I feel having you guys (and gals) right there for me!



It was great to be able to spend some time with you, and Zues without a million other people around! Next time we will have to stay up long enough to meet Jean! And yes, I will post the pics of the "Fat Bastard" as soon as I get a few to download them!


Don, TXVenture, It was good to talk to you, and I'm glad you are feeling a little better! I will always keep you in my thoughts and prayers, in hopes that things get better for you!! Sorry I didn't got over to see you as well!


Don (Freebird), THANK YOU FOR BRINGING US ALL TOGETHER!!!!! If you had not created this, we wouldn't even know these bunch of goofballs!!! You have created something that will always be special in our live! And we are also saying prayers for you! If you need anything, please let us know! It is now our time to "pay it foreward"!!


We Love you all!!:bighug:



Ok, How is Mom doin?? Hopefully she is ok??? Craig

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Thanks everyone for the help, and a place to stay and the meals along the way!!!


Heather and I had an uneventful trip, and got into Houston with the help of Gunboat. Don...you are the best friend a person could have! And all that you, and the Texas crew have done for us is more than we could ever expect from friends!


Kreg and Janet, you two are on the same list as Don! It's the BEST list a person could ever be on! Thanks for coming over and helping out! I know...thats what friends are for! But you can't imagine how I feel having you guys (and gals) right there for me!



It was great to be able to spend some time with you, and Zues without a million other people around! Next time we will have to stay up long enough to meet Jean! And yes, I will post the pics of the "Fat Bastard" as soon as I get a few to download them!


Don, TXVenture, It was good to talk to you, and I'm glad you are feeling a little better! I will always keep you in my thoughts and prayers, in hopes that things get better for you!! Sorry I didn't got over to see you as well!


Don (Freebird), THANK YOU FOR BRINGING US ALL TOGETHER!!!!! If you had not created this, we wouldn't even know these bunch of goofballs!!! You have created something that will always be special in our live! And we are also saying prayers for you! If you need anything, please let us know! It is now our time to "pay it foreward"!!


We Love you all!!:bighug:

Well if you drove to Fl. you had to have come right by the house and you didn't even stop by, or call to meet up somewhere:confused24:. You know that you were more than welcome to stay over. We would have fed you, put you up for a night, whatever you needed. Oh well, anytime you need us we will help out. Hope your mother is doing better.

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Glad she got there OK. Hate those "Have To" drives. Maybe they can enjoy trip on the way back. Let us know how Mom is. Mine is 86 yrs young and had by-pass last week. Ready to plant garden now. Means I better get down there and plow it up!!


Be Carefull Lonna!!

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