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VentureRiders! Let's Unite for Eck!


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I agree with the group. I have been angry about disregard to motorcyclists on the road. I have known so many situations where the cage driver is at fault and the motorcyclist is injured seriously or as in most cases is killed. This is wrong and if we as a group as big as we are now, can make a difference then we should certainly do it.


Yama Mama


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Don you have a point. We need to find out who the investigating LE agency and put pressure on them and their political leaders ( I use that term loosly)to investigate this, and not just file it as closed and leave it up to the insurance company for payment. This was not a motor vehilce accident, it was a criminal act and should be investigated as such. I don't have many contacts in the Ala. LE community but if I find out what agency, I'm sure I can make some!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have a few ideas, if ECK decides to pursue this guy. (I am also an ex Deputy Sheriff).


1: Have the scene investigators take a look at the local gas stations that are at that onramp. If they look at the tapes from that time and date, they may find that the guy stopped in for gas or something. They find people that way alot.


2: It's possible that the guy belongs to a local Mustang club, if he was local. We don't even know if he was local, or just popped off the interstate to fill up. It's worth checking into, anyway.

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You can count us in.

My wife had to lay her bike down last summer as we were approaching Yellowstone because some A__ was following her so close. He laid on his horn and swerved toward her as he passed her. Fortunately we were about to pull off into a rest stop so she was only going ten miles an hour or less. I had already pulled in and was almost in the process of parking so I did not see exactly what happened; all I know is I heard her screaming for me and feeling that deep gut fear that she had been terribly hurt. Thank Goodness she was not hurt and the bike had zero damage but the incident certainly left a long term impression on us both.

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Count me in for a monetary contribution, however, I think we could probably get more mileage out of an investigator than a reward. A person who commits this type of blazen act usually feels more comfortable doing it in their backyard. Therefore, the criminal is probably local, which means he probably exited the interstate within a few miles of his crime. An investigator (or possibly members of this org.) could check businesses along the section of interstate for any video surveillance that might identify this car.


Perhaps, if driver stopped at a gas station or business along the route he used a credit card and could be identified even more specifically. Most promising would be businesses along the road where the vehicles entered the interstate. Chances are that driver purchased fuel somewhere near the x-way. These are more likely to lead to the cager's identification than a reward.


Sounds like an impromptu meet-n-eat in Eck's locale may be in order. As many as can attend could lay out a game plan. Others could participate via internet. I need a reasonably warm (ok, something other than cold) place to ride.


This menace should be identified and caught, if possible.

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They can arrest, but there must be a conviction on the charges placed on him to claim the reward.............


We are also in if Eck consents to this.............


i would think that the reward, etc would have to stipulate that the lead leads to an arrest.
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I think ATlantaDragonSlayer has the right idea. Forget the REWARD we need to alert all the media we can including RiderGroups, Magazines, Partiot guards etc. Get a list of every type of Motorcycle group in the area and sent them all the inof. Let them disseminate the ionfo throughout ECKS area. Perhaps a local big wig will be in one of the clubsand can push on local media or law enforement. I would also suggest checking the local Meetup.com list of local motorcycle meeting groups and email them all the info too so that more people are looking for a Blue Mustang Year model supplied by ECK. It is in their interest to look for him.Lots of people can stop and just send info to xxxxxxemail. Again condiser trying to get a list of all owners of Blue Mustangs in the area. This type of list is not expensive. Then request the DA check thru DMV to pull up pictures of the owner.The local DA needs to be inolved.Alternately check with a local lawyer about suing the owner and perhaps the attorney can have someone provide a list of owners and use dmv to get pictures. IF the DA will no do it perhaps members of the local riding chapters will take a phone picture of the owners if they see someone in a blue mustang. IF you have a local newspaper tell them. If you have a local cable channel try to get them to take the story. Guys it may be too much for ECK to do on his on and at this point he may not have the desire yet, therefore if your in the Huntsville Al area you can choose to let the other groups know about this and solicit their help. Remind them we know what the owner looks like and are just trying to find him and the car to turn over for prosecution.


I am in for the donation if ECK decides to accept. He can use if for ANYTHING HE DESIRES.



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OK folks, just a reminder.


We already have a procedure set up for these types of donations. The donations can be made to the OPE (Out of Pocket) Expense fund.


PayPal donations can be sent to CFAS@Juno.com Just make sure you tag the payment as being for the ECK fund.


Donations can also be made by check. Make the check payable to Russell Hicks and send it to CFAS, P.O. Box 240414, Apple Valley, MN 55124. As with the PayPal donations, tag the check as being for the ECK fund.





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I think ATlantaDragonSlayer has the right idea. Forget the REWARD we need to alert all the media we can including RiderGroups, Magazines, Partiot guards etc. Get a list of every type of Motorcycle group in the area and sent them all the inof. Let them disseminate the ionfo throughout ECKS area. Perhaps a local big wig will be in one of the clubsand can push on local media or law enforement. I would also suggest checking the local Meetup.com list of local motorcycle meeting groups and email them all the info too so that more people are looking for a Blue Mustang Year model supplied by ECK. It is in their interest to look for him.Lots of people can stop and just send info to xxxxxxemail. Again condiser trying to get a list of all owners of Blue Mustangs in the area. This type of list is not expensive. Then request the DA check thru DMV to pull up pictures of the owner.The local DA needs to be inolved.Alternately check with a local lawyer about suing the owner and perhaps the attorney can have someone provide a list of owners and use dmv to get pictures. IF the DA will no do it perhaps members of the local riding chapters will take a phone picture of the owners if they see someone in a blue mustang. IF you have a local newspaper tell them. If you have a local cable channel try to get them to take the story. Guys it may be too much for ECK to do on his on and at this point he may not have the desire yet, therefore if your in the Huntsville Al area you can choose to let the other groups know about this and solicit their help. Remind them we know what the owner looks like and are just trying to find him and the car to turn over for prosecution.


I am in for the donation if ECK decides to accept. He can use if for ANYTHING HE DESIRES.



Here are some more resources that might be considered

Russ Brown

1 800-4-bikers



Russ Brown is a motorcycle attorney who has started the national campaign for laws called: Kill a Biker, Go to Jail

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I might be interested in helping out on this, but what will happen with the money if the person is never caught? ECK needs to let everyone know if he is interested in doing this or not. And of course the person would have to be convicted before the reward can be issued. A similiar incident happened in my area a few years ago with a car and a truck pulling a utility trailer. The trailer came off the back of the trucks hitch. The truck left the scene of the accident and the driver of the car was killed. Reward was offered, but no one was ever arrested.

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Some good ideas here but we need to smooth it out. We need to listen to Don. Conviction sounds GREAT and would be a little revenge for me as well. Nothing was done to the crackhead that ran over me and he was caught two wks later with no Insurance.

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I would donate, but we need to see what information there is out there.


Eck said that his neighbor was following, do we have a better description than "blue Mustang"? Year, identifying damage, tires, race of driver, age, hair color etc.


We need this before we put out a general call for a blue car.


This person should be behind bars, no doubt about it, and if we get the word out, we can put some pressure on the local LEO's and prosecutor, along with area groups that will keep an eye out for this jerk.


someone that knows Eck better than me needs to see what he is already doing, wants to do and what info is available.


Lawyer types need to determine how we go about it without liability to this group or individuals, and especially Eck.

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wow eck

have not been ot the site for a few days. so glad you are still here. bad,bad,bad

crash. hope they find that 'stang that driver needs to go to jail. as with everyone else i'am willing to donate to the award fund. your angel was ridin with you.

best reguards

don c.

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