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Anybody else got fruit trees? No exactly an Orchard but I planted six semi dwarf fruit trees this weekend. Three variety of apples,one each plum,peach,and cherry. We may plant more but a start for now at the camp. MamaMo planted more Roses and a Blueberry bush.Taking vacation time over Easter break to do more work at the camp.Now if those pesky deer leave the trees alone.:rudolf:


What you need to do is make a wire(4"x2" dog wire) cage about 2 1/2-3' in diameter and 5' tall. Stake it down tight to the ground and this will protect the terminal bud once you get it above the deer feeding level you will be ok. Good luck!:fingers-crossed-emo


I got about a dozen fruit trees, Walnut trees, Pecan trees, Blueberry bushes about 7 ft tall. Late frost got almost everything last year.

I think if I plant any more I will go with Dwarf.


All you really need to do is tie laundry softener sheets to the trees. Deer hate the smell and want come around. We do this to food plots to get them to maturity. Just cahnage the drier sheets out every so often. usually about twice a month will do.


We usually make stakes and put a string around the food plot with the sheets on them, but being it has sustantial limbs the tree itself will work just fine.


The other obtion is to invite me up for a while and I'll take care of the problem and feed us too. That is if you like venison.Just joking.


But seriously try the sheets and good luck.




I have a roll of 7ft tall deer netting so I might as well use it. We bought some deer repellent sent for plants. I'm going to spray some of it on weekly. The laundry sheet idea sounds good to I might try all three and see what happens.If none of that works it's deer steak for them.:fingers-crossed-emo:big-grin-emoticon:


You can do what I did! Get some 8Ft T-posts and a solar powered fencer and run a strand of wire spaced at 1Ft intervals all the way to the top of the T-posts that will keep the deer out and off the trees. I do this with my garden and it works great.


You will need more then one blue berry bush for pollination, also mulch with saw dust and remove flowers the first year. You may also check on your stone fruits whether you'll need more then one tree for pollination.


I don't mess with fruit trees 'cause of all the extra spraying needed so memory is kind of vague.


I've heard human hair scattered around the premises will deter critters as well. (and if it does, it's probably free at a barber shop)


We have a large garden here with several Dwarf fruit trees. Several years ago the Deer were not such a problem but during the last five or so years they have become more aggressive and obnoxious. Three years ago we put up an eight foot high Deer net surrounding the garden;came to allot of netting at quite an expense. After a couple of weeks we would go out in the morning and see Deer in the garden and large holes where they would simply bust through. Last year we put up a seven foot Chicken fence surrounding the garden. I left it off the ground not quite a foot thinking this would be great so I could whack weeds without lots of problems. We would go out in the garden and find Deer prints in the garden. We had planted some very hot peppers along with the usual stuff, corn, peas etc. We figured Deer would not eat the hot peppers but they seemed to enjoy just about every thing. Not only were they slipping under the fence but there were large holes where they had actually busted through the chicken wire. This year they will find an eight foot stock fence from the ground up (heck with the weeds). My wife told me three years ago to put the stock fence up...but noooo I had to waste lots of money and share lots of garden goodies. They love the Peaches and are so very wasteful taking one bite then on to the next bite. There have been times when we would go out and find the Deer looking at us like what the heck are you doing out here in our garden. They have chased the very large Lab Dog on more than one occasion, and simply laugh when I have tried the ol sling shot. We have tried the laundry soap method, dryer sheets....About the only thing they haven't eaten is the corn and tobacco.

Who knows maybe next year we will wind up with a ten foot brick fence...

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