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decided to put this here instead of the middle of the watering hole.......


got a call this morning they finally got dna results back........



what they found was something called p3 :think:

it is not semen but found in semen........and they didnt get a match.....


prosecutors office thinks there may have been a mistake or tests werent right....where else would this have come from???


there are 2 labs here......one is kansas city crime lab and the other state highway patrol.......so they are going to send to send to other lab and get it retested...

we are only a month away from the pretrial hearings starting so hopefully they get some fast turn around this time.....


I was almost devastated after waiting all this time and then not getting a match on him.


so i guess we wait some more and hope for better results this time....

they assured me this wouldnt hurt our case because of his statement and the other evidence....


this really depressed me.......i was so sure we would get some positive results to help put this slime away without question


We're here for you Cindy. If you need us just call. It's frustrating but they seem to think they have him. So we'll go with that. Keeping you guys in our prayers.





It WILL all work out, 1 day at a time and he will go to prison. I can only imagine your feelings, but we are here with you in every step, the phone is always on Kiddo and you know we love you folks.


Remember the wheels turn slowly, but that's for a reason. Justice will be served in due time. He has probably already seen his last bit of free sunshine.


Always behind you backing you up,


Dan & Rose

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