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Well last year i bought a new sirius radio and after 3 days in the car took it out would not work and could not get logged in on the computer to them to listen so turned it off and i have no idea why but it sat in a corner and was not tossed out anyways back to today


today i get a letter from sirius telling me they would like to have me back and i can have 15 days free that my radio will work and if id like i can also have an additional 3 months for the low low price of One Dollar Yep thats right one buck! so i found all the stuff and hooked it up to the bike turned it on and it worked WOW!!!


allmost through a whole song so i think i will give it a honest try so i went for a ride about 50 miles and yes it worked but not one song finished kept cutting out or stoping and some times it would even say looking for signal so on the way back home i moved the antena all over to try and get a better signal still no go even held it over my head still no sig. so when i got home you guessed it i took the cutters and cut the thing out of the bike and its now ready to return to them with a nice note and im going to call them tomarrow too just to let them know it will be returned and they dont even need to send my money back or any more letters to try and be nice to me offering free service

just not worth it even for free




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We've got Sirius now and we had XM. The XM radios worked much better then the ones we got from Sirius. So did the antennas that XM had. So we've hooked up the antenna from the XM to the Sirius radio gets a better signal.

Jeff's talking about getting rid of it as well. He doesn't like the new set up they have for the channels since the merger.



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We've got Sirius now and we had XM. The XM radios worked much better then the ones we got from Sirius. So did the antennas that XM had. So we've hooked up the antenna from the XM to the Sirius radio gets a better signal.

Jeff's talking about getting rid of it as well. He doesn't like the new set up they have for the channels since the merger.




I've had XM for several years, the last two the signal strength doesn't seem to be as good as it use to be, I get way more drop outs than I use to. And I also do not like the new merged programming,, my bill came to day, I canceled today.

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Did you have the magnetic antenna stuck on metal? That helps.


yes it was stuck to metal and i moved it all over to other locations to see if that would help

i just got off the phone and when i was done they said well we have just as many people that are happy with us as there are unhappy so were doing ok with out you; no matter what you say about us to anyone,


WOW!!! they make so much money they dont even care what a co. to deal with


its all out of my home and will never be in anything i own again i will never buy it for me my kids or grand kids ever again



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I had an XM but I dropped it one day and it hasn't worked since. I liked it when I had it. Was thinking about getting a Sirius coz I like the design better and sirius has a motorcycle mounting kit whereas XM doesn't.


Now I don't know what I'll do ...:think: :think:

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I had an XM but I dropped it one day and it hasn't worked since. I liked it when I had it. Was thinking about getting a Sirius coz I like the design better and sirius has a motorcycle mounting kit whereas XM doesn't.


Now I don't know what I'll do ...:think: :think:



I got one like this for my XM. http://www.myradiostore.com/mounts-brackets-tools/motorcycle-mounts/premier-universal-motorcycle-mount.html . but of course since I just canceled I will be removing it soon,, I never use it on the bike since I got a Zumo 550, I just use the built in MP3 player.

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I got one like this for my XM. www.myradiostore.com/mounts-brackets-tools/motorcycle-mounts/premier-universal-motorcycle-mount.html . but of course since I just canceled I will be removing it soon,, I never use it on the bike since I got a Zumo 550, I just use the built in MP3 player.



Here's the Sirius one I was thinking of getting...



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It must be your location. Before the merger I had a Roady radio that got fair reception. It was stolen off the bike and I was offered a $19.00 radio by the service rep. I bought it, and the reception is great, even in the mountains where I would lose reception on the Roady. I'm very happy with the merger, and would be lost without the tunes.

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