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wow, there were quite a few brave souls who rode their bikes, even though it was below zero.


lots of people walking and checking out the vendors.:thumbsup2:

we had a great meal, did some walking and checking out the customs,:cool10:


only seen one 84 or 85 goldie. :bawling:

the outdoor beer garden had cold beer.:rotfl:

we did not find any live bands this time.:crying:


cheers, Scott


I got the shock apart, Scotty! An extreme "DOH" moment! Almost went into the wall on the first yank it came apart soooo easy!


Shame I had to miss Pt Dover...


We got there after 5:30 pm, seen a member "Austie" there with his "07" Blue RSV. A few bikes, but not as many as there was last June 08.

Seen a couple of 1st Gens there.

We left after 9:00 pm, OPP had a "Ride" program set up north of the bridge on Hwy. # 6.

Guest BluesLover

Hey Scott - I rode with a group from London.


Left at 10:30, having lunch at the Dairy Bar by 1. Got the patch, got the pin, walked around a bit (lots of people there for sure!) and back home for 4:30.


Had to make a couple of Tim Horton's stops along the way, but a nice refreshing ride none the less.




We(oldest son & friend from work) arrived around 11:30 and left around 2:00 as it was getting a little cold . Bike was still down from bad battery. Found a few different prices from $109 to $220 and of course the best prices they don't seem to keep in stock so there will be about a week before they are available so will have to pay a higher price. will try and post some pics. Only seen 4 1st gen's and about 5 sec. gens and 1 triked-out sec.gen.[ATTACH]27127[/ATTACH]












Here are a few more. Check out the retirement[ATTACH]27133[/ATTACH]








[ATTACH]27137[/ATTACH] H/D bike on back of trailer.

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