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I have filled out census forms for five decades and this one is unbelievable. They question you about everything. It is like a diary of your living. I don't feel comfortable in the "confidetiallity" of it. Why does it matter how many rooms, how far to work, how many people ride with me, how much I earned last year (to the dollar), etc? They want to know everything about all occupants of the household and your house payment. They even admit it takes thirty-eight minutes to fill it out! I feel like I am being set up as a "stimulus" to pay back the trillions that our government gave away to others.


I'm mad :225:


No don't throw it out. Use it to screw em up. Fill it out how ever you want. Really throws there numbers off. Can be kinda fun too. I know I'm bad I'll go sit in the corner.




Funny how often I see that sentiment from Veterans :whistling:


Well when the Goobermint starts treating myself and other Vets as good as they treat ILLEGAL ALIENS I might have a change of heart.....but don't bet your house on it.


Boomer.......who firmly believes the only good politician is a dead one.


Different country, but same idea - several years ago, around census time, I was visited by one of the statisticians who wanted more info from a 'random selection' - wanted to know about the difference between what I spent on bills then and several years before and no end of other stuff. Must have been at my flat for an hour. It made me wonder just how many people hold onto that much old financial information ??


Funny how often I see that sentiment from Veterans :whistling:
You can add me to that list too :headache:


Well when the Goobermint starts treating myself and other Vets as good as they treat ILLEGAL ALIENS I might have a change of heart.....but don't bet your house on it.


Boomer.......who firmly believes the only good politician is a dead one.


Chief....I'll be right next to you brother



Far as I know there is nothing that states you have to fill one out



Actually, I believe it does! Under penalty of law and it has to be complete and accurate! (at least that's what mine said) Last one I got, I held on to it. Just didn't ever get around to filling it in and sending it; I figured if they ever said anything, I didn't through it away, I just never got around to it! Why penalize a guy for having poor time management skills????....


Wouldn't you know...they sent another with emphasis!

Do they want to know how many guns we own? With model and serial numbers?


No, that is not one of the questions, but I am sure that the Obama government will have one printed soon. I heard that Speaker Nancy Polosi threw cold water on the "assault weapons" bill that Obama wanted. She is afraid of taking on the NRA at this time, but will go for it later.


I have been recieving surveys from the USDA wanting to know how many and what kind of animals I have on my place. It says it must be filled out UNDER PENALTY OF LAW! I throw them in the burn barrel. If they want to come out and count my chickens they can come through the gate with the sign that says "YOU ARE NOW WITHIN RIFLE RANGE"!:sign cmon:

I have been recieving surveys from the USDA wanting to know how many and what kind of animals I have on my place. It says it must be filled out UNDER PENALTY OF LAW! I throw them in the burn barrel. If they want to come out and count my chickens they can come through the gate with the sign that says "YOU ARE NOW WITHIN RIFLE RANGE"!:sign cmon:


AMEN to that!! Considering we took on England and kicked their butts over a tax on tea I can't believe that "we the people" have allowed this Goobermint and the inept politicians to mandate the taxes and laws we now have in place.


Boomer......who knows the Tree of Liberty must be refreshed with blood from time to time.....and gladly nominates all politicians for such needed refreshment.



Just a story. I was watching the Glen Beck Show on Fox News, and he had the owner of a gun shop in Connecticut on. He remarked that gun sales have gone nutzo, and ammo sales are even crazier.. He can't get a lot of the popular calibers. I also have a friend that does gun shows, and the last one he went to one a major ammo dealer attended with a full pallet of 223rem and a full pallet of 7.62. He stated that for three hours you couldn't get near their tables, and at the end of the 3 hours they had sold out of both pallets. I haven't seen this type of a buying frenzy since the early 60's when the first gun registrations were required....


Gun/ammo sales have not just gone crazy here in CT but Rhode Island as well.


A well armed populace is the best defense we have when it comes to a Socialist Goobermint IMHO............


Boomer.....who can shoot,shovel,and shut up with the best of them.

No, that is not one of the questions, but I am sure that the Obama government will have one printed soon. I heard that Speaker Nancy Polosi threw cold water on the "assault weapons" bill that Obama wanted. She is afraid of taking on the NRA at this time, but will go for it later.


Actually, I have a little different take on that. See, I've never known of a liberal being intimidated by the NRA. I think maybe she is waiting to see what happens in Illinois. Then she could completely change tactics. There is a bill being introduced in that state that proposes that all gun owners be required to carry $1,000,000.00 worth of liability insurance on any gun they own. If it passes, then the average gun owner could never afford the insurance even IF they could find a company to issue the policy. Failure to insure the guns would be a felony. If, by some chance this passes, then it wouldn't be a stretch to think that would Pelosi would jump on the bandwagon and introduce federal legislation requiring the same thing. Back door way to do away with ownership. Anyway, I didn't mean to hijack the thread, (especially on this subject), but as soon as I had heard she had backed off I was instantly suspicious and when I heard about the Illinois bill I couldn't help but wonder if maybe she is watching it with great interest.

Well when the Goobermint starts treating myself and other Vets as good as they treat ILLEGAL ALIENS I might have a change of heart.....but don't bet your house on it.


Boomer.......who firmly believes the only good politician is a dead one.


I like what Mark Twain said about politicians...


"Suppose you are a member of Congress, and suppose you are an idiot.......but, I repeat myself."

Gun/ammo sales have not just gone crazy here in CT but Rhode Island as well.


A well armed populace is the best defense we have when it comes to a Socialist Goobermint IMHO............


Boomer.....who can shoot,shovel,and shut up with the best of them.


I just want to add some Thomas Jefferson quotes to this....Very smart man Jefferson...These are actual quotes guys....Watch the evening news and tell me our founding father did not know what he was talking about over 200 years ago....


No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms…. “Thomas Jefferson”


The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government….. “Thomas Jefferson”


The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not…. “Thomas Jefferson”


It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principal which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world….. “Thomas Jefferson”




Thomas Jefferson said in 1802:


“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”


George in Virgina

Home of Jefferson

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