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I was so excited! Had gotten my Carbtune Pro, read up on synchronization in the tech forums, (thank you Freebird and Kenneth Branton (Kbran)) Printed out the directions, gotten my camera, and figured a 15 minute project at best! Found the screws that needed adjusting for 1&2. Wait a minute my screwdriver does not reach! Went back to the directions. Yep right there it says... "a long #2 Phillips screwdriver... . OH! you mean a LONG #2 Phillips screwdriver!, DA!! Spent the next hour driving around and finally purchasing a long #2x8 inch Phillips screwdriver! Back to the bike 15 minutes later project done!! See, size really does matter!


That'll really be impressive when you get ready to screw, you can just whoop out that big 8" Phillips screwdriver. All the guys will be envious and the women will swoon.


Hey I took your advice and took my brand new shinny tool down to the local watering hole. I laid that big ole screwdriver down on the bar and just like you said the men were envious, wanting to know where they could get one, and the women were swooning, something about if I had the money to buy such a fancy tool maybe I had the money to buy em a drink! Not quite what I had in mind!!

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