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Don't fret, spring is almost here


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Took a walk yesterday to check the workers in one of my vineyards. I have 4'X4' round bales of hay sitting at the end of the vineyard. I was able to walk on the top of them without climbing them. Some of the rows of grapes are under snow. This puts the snow at 6' in some places. They are skipping these rows and will have to go back after the thaw. So I am anxiously waiting your prediction Marcal.:rotfl::D

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Ah you forgot about the groundhog in Georgia Randy. Gen. Lee didn't see his shadow, so I'm going with him. No shadow short time till spring. I like that better.

Plus I've had dandelions in my yard for over a month now. Can't be long till spring.




Hey Margaret, you should be having some nice weather down that way by Sunday and later in the week.


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Can't be long now, that the deer are walking around.


My youngest son is working for a construction company up in Wawa, ON.....they are snowblowing the roads to widen them with an oversized blower.....rather huge actually. Two weeks ago, it was -40 without the wind chill, with the wind chill, -65......so.....it really isn't all that bad down this way, comparatively speaking. They had to suspend operations, too cold, the blower was breaking down due to the cold. That's earning your money in my mind!





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It is about 13 degrees here in east Tennessee with a chill factor below zero. But, it is supposed to be near 60 by Saturday and most all of next week. I just keep telling myself that "This too shall pass".:cold:



That's WAY TO COLD. Temp here right now (Denver Colorado) is 67 degrees.:cool10: What am I doing here? it's time to




Sorry, I can't help myself.





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