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I'd rather the devil I know that the one I don't. I think the present tax is better at charging a citizen in proportion to their useage. The heavier the vehicle, the more wear and tear on the roads, the worse the gas mileage and the higher the tax per mile. Leave it to the politicians to make a tax more unfair, more complex, more expensive to collect, and more intrusive.


This sort of thing will probably come one day, but, for a lot of reasons, it's still a long way away.


Commercial trucks used in interstate commerce already do this with IFTA, (International Fuel Tax Agreement). It's a fair way of insuring that each state and province get's their fair share of fuel taxes, but it's a PIA to do the quarterly reports.


"The Vehicle Miles of Travel tax is being hailed as an innovative way to generate transportation revenue by states that have seen gasoline tax dollars stagnate because of people driving less and cars becoming more fuel efficient"


The statement above quoted from that article confirms to me that politicians, with all of their retoric, really aren't concerned about fuel economy. Their only real concern is that they maintain and not allow the amount of tax revenue that they currently take in (and waste) to remain the same and not go down.


Careful how you interpret this. I see it as a prelude to monitoring activity for carbon footprints/credits. This is a U.N. driven agenda and it may have been shoved into the background lately in our media but it is still very high on many people's priority list.


Got to think about who all uses the roads,,,,,,it's everyone of us,, whether we drive or not. What ever we use come to us by road, some where, some time,,,, if there is an emergency we use the roads, whether we drive or not, we all use hydro, telephone, food, clothes and on and on, and it's roads that get it to our door,,,,,,,,sooooo let's ALL pay equally, somehow,,,,,

The more gas you use,,, the more you pay,,, sounds pretty good to me

Mileage tax has a lot of issues,, not a good idea,, but big brother like it good,,, keeps a better ey on you.


Maybe what is needed is "Washington" tea party? :witch_brew: If I am not mistaken that is how our for-fathers first took care of taxes we didn't want? :buttkick:






And to all you CIA, FBI, IRS, NSA and what ever other three letter organizations are watching, this is a joke! :8: HA! HA! :duck:

I think my odometer cable just broke.:lightbulb:

That's not going to help, you will have a gps unit on your vehicle that tells them the mileage. This will probably be the way you get your tags when they inforce it.

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