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With the latest site changes, we can really tell who the Post Whores are, can't we, Squid?!!?



Well as an authorized communicator from King Donald the III I do have the responsibility to keep you folks informed and sometimes entertained. It's a position that I take very seriously and would not want to let his Majesty down due to my laziness....how that


Oh look...another post :whistling:


Ok Don, quit messin' with us! The post counts are pretty good info as to who has a lot of time on thier hands, and who has a life.

You mean 3247? Niot hidden very well...


Bob, you still seem to be able to get a word or two in yourself (2427)


There was a spot on here one time that allowed you to get to the "Top" Top Posters, Top threads read, top thread viewed etc..... I kinda liked looking at the stats everyonce in a while. I know it was removed but I think I found buried on one page not too long ago. (Can't seem to find it now)





While one can find the post counts if inclined I do like the way Don has it now as they're not out in plain view. Some bike sites I frequent (most in fact) show a posters post count under their names. As noted some folks get a kick out of being a post hog. Posting nothing but drivel etc. :confused24: I'm happy to say I don't see that here. :clap2:



i have NEVER seen a drivel post on this site !

and on that note -

2nd gens are faster

you can ride all year in CAN.

i ride a HD

Thom :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::stirthepot:

Ok i give up. I guess you hid them well cause I can't seem to find them. Where are they.




Click on the user name, then view public profile, it's there...

Posting nothing but drivel etc. :confused24: I'm happy to say I don't see that here. :clap2:



Personally I like my drivel served with alittle gruel.:confused24::D


Yea I know I was going out on limb here a bit saying there was no drivel. Compared to some sites thou we have next to nothing. I'm good with that thou.:stirthepot: Did you say gruel & ment cruel Mraf? :rotf:



Now what do fence posts have to do with bikes anyways????????oh ya, I now remember that a 2nd gen needs to have something to hold it up straight so you can check the oil level at times, maybe not a bad idea,,,,,,or were you talking about hydro posts,,, around here we call them polls and a real good idea to avoid them at all costs.

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