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The Boss approved my vacation request for 2009 today. Looks like it is a go for Maintenance Day,Skid Inn,Vogel, Asheville, plus a few personal days in Pigeon Forge. 2009 is starting to look good. How many more days till spring?I even got a week approved for Spring break at the camp.:banana::banana::banana:


I'll probably won't get to make Asheville this year, but I should be at the others.... I already made reservations at Vogel, and have reservations at the Skid-In. Maintenance Day is just a long weekend trip. Hopefully I'll make a few more Meet & Eats this summers.


I'll probably won't get to make Asheville this year, but I should be at the others.... I already made reservations at Vogel, and have reservations at the Skid-In. Maintenance Day is just a long weekend trip. Hopefully I'll make a few more Meet & Eats this summers.




Hey Skid, Call me if you need directions to the Skid-In.:snow2::snow2:

Hey Skid, Call me if you need directions to the Skid-In.:snow2::snow2:


Have you already got reservations Dan?

Any preference where you want your "red roof inn?"

I have shady sites, water sites, and even inside sites if you want by the spot belly stove......

Hope I don't need by the stove. Good view of the DQ lot so I can make sure no one is there that shouldn't be:innocent:


I still have water sites available...:thumbsup2:


I've already had to burn two weeks of vacation, wound up with a tear in the retina of my left eye and had a laser procedure done to repair the hole also had some bleeding inside so that added another week off. But I'm not dead yet !!!

May have to extend a few weekends opposed to doing weeks at a time.

The Boss want me to build a trailer so we can bring the kitchen sink !!

Still beats being grounded.

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