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OK Folks,


Now it's time to start with the donation amounts. We have our volunteers 21 folks that have taken the baton and will "Run" (pun intended) with our hopes of big weight loss.


What we are going to do is have all you members donate towards the total combined weight that all the volunteers have decided to loose, this total is 567 lbs. This weight is what all of us are trying to loose, this also is all that we will ask you folks to honor as far as your donation amounts. If we loose more as a group, the donors will not have to pay above the 567 lbs if they do not wish to. If we end up loosing 700 lbs as a group, thats great and if folks want to donate for whatever the total is thats even better.


There is a twist for us who are trying to loose the weight. If we dont meet the goal that we have set for ourselves we will have to pay $1 for every pound we miss our goal by. Kinda keeps us honest about loosing the weight :) The totals will be taken at Freebirds Maintenance Day on June 6th in Oberlin Ohio.



So now it's time to present this to you folks, figure out what you believe that you would like to donate. Just to make it easy to figure out, 0.10 per pound will be $56.70 so you can figure it out what will work for you. As always Thank you to all you that donate and will help to champion this cause. St. Judes is a wonderful hospital and if you went and saw how much good is being done there, you wouldn't hesitate.



I will be handling all of the donation amounts, so if your interested in donating PM me with the amount per pound and I'll keep track of all of it. Thank you to all our volunteers who have jumped on board and helped with this idea. Thank you to '93 Venture who thought of it....let the bidding begin :banana:

Link to 1st thread http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=30853

Edited by Squidley
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Brad, how abaut posting a list of dieters so we can encourage each other to loose weight, thats always helpful to have..........


Great fundraiser........09 is going to be a great year for Venturerider and St. Jude........:mo money::mo money:


Here is the list of those who are dedicated to loosing:)




Mini Muffin


Midnight Rider


Snarly Bill

Bongo Bob

93 Venture

Road Kill


Tarton Terror

Brake Pad

V Tirelli

Dragon Rider



Big Tom


Dave CB



Now all of you need to stick together and give support to each other, and help each other out! And remember we are all here for you when you drive PAST that DQ!

Thank You all for doing this for St. Judes!!


As I read this I am eating a danish!! Guess thats done for a while!!! LOL


Brad do you want a starting weigh in? Is this the starting date or if not what is the date?


I look at it this way. If I get lighter I bet I get better tire wear!!! LOL



Yes we need your start in weight.....and you can start by putting down that danish, right now!!:)

PM it to me now and I will fill it in.

I also need a start weight for:



Dave CB


It's going till June 6th which is maintenance day at Freebirds. That's the final weigh in. Then folks have to cough up the bucks. Oh I mean hand in their donations.



How often do you want updates and how long does the challenge last?




June 6th will be the deadline, we'll weigh in the folks that are volunteering at Dons that are there. The rest of the folks will have to let me know on the 6th via PM or on the site.

I will start the pledge right here, I will donate .07 per pound no matter how much is lost by the volunteers



Since I'm TOO da*n skinny to lose any weight, I'll lose some weight out of my back pocket! I'm down for 10 cents a pound, Brad, and will follow your lead with whatever the total amount lost is! I'll bring a Franklin to Don's, hope I don't have to get any change back!


Skinny Squidley

Since I'm TOO da*n skinny to lose any weight, I'll lose some weight out of my back pocket! I'm down for 10 cents a pound, Brad, and will follow your lead with whatever the total amount lost is! I'll bring a Franklin to Don's, hope I don't have to get any change back!


Skinny Squidley



Thank you SS I appreciate all your generosity, and everyone that has and will donate....I hope we dont have to give you change either



I lost 45 lbs the last time I was on a diet. I lost my focus due to stress and gained most of it back. The easy part is loosing the weight. Hard part is keeping it off. Son-N-Law knew how to raise my stress levels.


Eating a Salad as we speak.!!! LOL


I ran into Vinny today at the NY MC show and we plan to have out weigh in early next week. Anything I loose before then will be bonus. Good thing is Vinny and I can keep each other honest and encourage each other.. I like this kind of motivation!!!


I've been awful slow about checking the threads.

i just checked the scales, and at 135 pounds, i can't afford to lose , even an ounce.

i will , though, make a pledge to pay .10 per pound , lost.

might even start going to work everyday, and up my pledge to a dollar a pound.

after all, there isn't a better cause, that i can think of!

just jt

OK my official start number is 278. Holy crap was that number higher than I expected!! I guess that 40 is well within my reach!!


My start weight is 187 lbs...



Got you both down...now all I need is Vinnie's


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