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I think its confusing.....:think:

it has to do with utorrents.....

I got the program a few months ago and im still trying to figure it out......i know how to use it but setting it up so its faster at downloading the movies has me confused....:8:

so at this time i havent completely downloaded any....it works pretty much like limewire, etc that you can download music thru....but a little more complicated.


maybe it wont be confusing for you...

if i ever get it all figured out i will let ya know.:D


I use utorrent, it is free and easy to use and you can get movies or music from almost any torrent site with it. And I didn't have to give any info like email or such to use it. Nothing to 'join'.

just my :2cents:

  tooldood said:
I use utorrent, it is free and easy to use and you can get movies or music from almost any torrent site with it. And I didn't have to give any info like email or such to use it. Nothing to 'join'.

just my :2cents:


Utorrent do they have software for the Imac?



  Cinderella said:
I think its confusing.....:think:

it has to do with utorrents.....

I got the program a few months ago and im still trying to figure it out......i know how to use it but setting it up so its faster at downloading the movies has me confused....:8:

so at this time i havent completely downloaded any....it works pretty much like limewire, etc that you can download music thru....but a little more complicated.


maybe it wont be confusing for you...

if i ever get it all figured out i will let ya know.:D


Ok I see thanks for the info do you have a PC or an Mac maybe thats why so confusing??

:rotfl::rotfl: just kidding. I got away from PC's and went to Mac much nicer to each its own I guess.


Have a great day.




First, you need to know that utorrent and any other torrent client broadcasts your ip address to every one looking for the same torrent. This includes and is not limited to the nice people who put the warnings on the front of the movies about minimums of 5 years and $500,000 fines. The precedent has been set in court, and there is little defence, if you get caught. First they will try to settle with you though, for lesser sums (usually $2000-$5000) if you ignore the first rounds of threatening e-mails, and do not cease and desist. "They" have been known to put files "out there" that carry tracking trojans and other nasty things, that would normally be a violation of privacy, under different conditions.


Take it from a guy who has been hit with all kinds of nasty viruses from these activities, and been sent a few nasty e-mails about not stealing stuff etc. It would be easier to just rent the movies, and cheaper in the long run.


I don't download anything other than already run series episodes that I have missed. Even this is a grey line, which might be pricey to cross.


As far as burning movies, that is a whole other ball of wax. You're going to get better quality copying [backing up your own legal] DVDs, since the usual codecs you find on the net are not "lossless" and will suffer degradation through format changes.


Now we are into the Blue Ray phenomenon, and those suckers have up to 50 Gb on one disk, so even with a 10Mb/s connection, you could have rented it, bought beer and twizzlers, made popcorn, watched it and bragged about it on Facebook by the time you get a BRD format movie downloaded, not to mention the Blueray burner is going to set you back a pretty penny, and a single blue ray writable disk is about twice what it costs to rent that movie.


That's my take on it anyway. Unless you are pirating Metallica music, then go ahead, I like to see Lars cry like a school girl. :hihi:

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